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JEOPARDY Open Court Vocabulary, Unit 4, part 1

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2 JEOPARDY Open Court Vocabulary, Unit 4, part 1
Fossils Tell of Long Ago, The Dinosaur Who Lived in My Backyard, Dinosaur Fossils by Noelia Esparza, Loma Verde Elementary El Paso Texas

3 C 50 V 10 JEOPARDY On a blank page keep track of your score.
Click on or 3. Write the answer on your paper then click on the to check your answer. 4. Keep adding the points to your total. Click on the icon to go back to the score board. C 50 V 10 C = comprehension V = vocabulary words JEOPARDY

4 Open Court Vocabulary, Unit 4, part 1
JEOPARDY Open Court Vocabulary, Unit 4, part 1 Fossils Tell of Long Ago, The Dinosaur Who Lived in My Backyard, Dinosaur Fossils, C 50 C 50 C 50 C 50 C 50 C 10 V 10 V 10 V 10 V 10 V 10 V 10 V 10 V 10 C 10 V 10 V 10 V 10 C 10 C 10 V 10 C 10 V 10 V 10 C 10

5 Vocabulary Definition
a yellowish sap from plants that hardens and becomes a fossil page 21

6 10 points Vocabulary Word What is amber? JEOPARDY

7 Vocabulary Definition
a plant, animal, or imprint that has turned to stone page 15

8 10 points Vocabulary Word What is a fossil? JEOPARDY

9 Vocabulary Definition
not alive today; all members of the the group or species have died out page 23

10 10 points Vocabulary Word What is extinct? JEOPARDY

11 Vocabulary Definition
swampy forest soil page 18

12 10 points Vocabulary Word What is peat? JEOPARDY

13 Vocabulary Definition
an animal that looked like an elephant and lived millions of years ago page 20

14 10 points Vocabulary Word What is a mammoth? JEOPARDY

15 Vocabulary Definition
broke out of an egg page 30

16 10 points Vocabulary Word What is hatched? JEOPARDY

17 Vocabulary Definition
the area around your home page 32

18 10 points Vocabulary Word What is neighborhood? JEOPARDY

19 Vocabulary Definition
an area of wet land page 35

20 10 points Vocabulary Word What is a swamp? JEOPARDY

21 Vocabulary Definition
to save someone who is in danger of harm page 36

22 10 points Vocabulary Word What is to rescue? JEOPARDY

23 Vocabulary Definition
hardened remains of an animal or plant that lived long ago page 42

24 10 points Vocabulary Word What is a fossil? JEOPARDY

25 Vocabulary Definition
became solid page 42

26 10 points Vocabulary Word What is hardened ? JEOPARDY

27 Vocabulary Definition
people who study things in nature page 44

28 10 points Vocabulary Word What are scientists ? JEOPARDY

29 Vocabulary Definition
not easy

30 10 points Vocabulary Word What is difficult ? JEOPARDY

31 Vocabulary Definition
no longer living, all the members of that group have died out page 51

32 10 points Vocabulary Word What is extinct ? JEOPARDY

33 Comprehension A fossil is …. see page 15

34 What is a plant or animal that has turned to stone?
10 points Answer What is a plant or animal that has turned to stone? JEOPARDY

35 Comprehension The parts of the fish that rotted away … see page 16

36 What is the soft parts of the fish?
10 points Answer What is the soft parts of the fish? JEOPARDY

37 Comprehension The mud that the fish is covered with slowly turns to …
page 16

38 10 points Answer What is rock? JEOPARDY

39 Comprehension The dinosaur would have made the neighborhood shake like
pudding because he was so …

40 10 points Answer What is heavy? JEOPARDY

41 Comprehension How could you know for sure
if a dinosaur really lived in the boys backyard …

42 10 points Answer What is find a fossil of a dinosaur? JEOPARDY

43 Comprehension The dinosaur had a very long neck so it could …
see page 36

44 What is reach the leaves at the top of the trees?
10 points Vocabulary Word What is reach the leaves at the top of the trees? JEOPARDY

45 Comprehension 50 points When the dinosaur lived in the
neighborhood, the town was … page 35

46 Answer 50 points What is a swamp? JEOPARDY

47 Comprehension 50 points What is left of a plant or animal that
lived long ago is called … page 42

48 Answer 50 points What is a fossil? JEOPARDY

49 Comprehension 50 points A fossil is formed when a dead
plant or animal … page 43

50 Answer 50 points What is hardens? JEOPARDY

51 Comprehension 50 points Scientists can study the soft parts of an animal only when the animal is…

52 What is when an animal’s whole body is frozen very quickly?
Answer 50 points What is when an animal’s whole body is frozen very quickly? JEOPARDY

53 Comprehension 10 points Scientists who study fossils are called…

54 What is paleontologists?
Answer 10 points What is paleontologists? JEOPARDY

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