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.  Shows gradual change over time  Simpler = older and deeper in the rocks.

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Presentation on theme: ".  Shows gradual change over time  Simpler = older and deeper in the rocks."— Presentation transcript:


2  Shows gradual change over time  Simpler = older and deeper in the rocks

3  Give an actual glimpse of the past  Direct evidence as to what existed before  history of incremental development from one species to another  Evidence for common descent & common ancestry


5  The remains of a dead organism, usually found in rocks  Can be bones,casts, footprints, burrows, or whole bodies trapped in amber (insects trapped in fossilized tree sap  When formed in rock, minerals fill the pores and crystallize  Hard tissues fossilize better than soft



8  Similar sequences indicate how closely related organisms are to one another


10  Cytochrome c, a protein needed for cellular respiration, is found in all living things Number of DNA base differences out of about 300

11  Similar structures with different functions  Suggest common ancestry

12  Structures that exist but appear to have no function  Suggest common ancestor with functioning versions of those structures

13  Similar looking embryos suggest common ancestry

14  Similar behaviors suggest common ancestry  Ex. Head movements of all waterfowl


16 Forces organisms to adapt, or go extinct Explains why you find fossils of sea creatures in a place that’s now a prairie manitoba/story/2010/07/16/mb- ancient-fish-fossil-manitoba.html mosasaur-fossils-found-in_n_903792.html


18  The existence of similar species on separate continents supports continental drift theory  AKA Paleogeography

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