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ASPfun: A Distributed Object Calculus and its Formalization in Isabelle Work realized in collaboration with Florian Kammüller and Henry Sudhof (Technische.

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Presentation on theme: "ASPfun: A Distributed Object Calculus and its Formalization in Isabelle Work realized in collaboration with Florian Kammüller and Henry Sudhof (Technische."— Presentation transcript:

1 ASPfun: A Distributed Object Calculus and its Formalization in Isabelle Work realized in collaboration with Florian Kammüller and Henry Sudhof (Technische Universität Berlin) Ludovic HENRIO Montevideo, Nov 2007

2 Context  -calculus: A Theory of Objects (Abadi,Cardelli)  Formalizes objects and typing  Several calculi: a functional and an imperative one ASP: Asynchronous Sequential Processes (Caromel, Henrio)  Based on  imp -calculus  Distributed active object calculus  Asynchronous method calls (requests), futures  Properties of confluence/determinism, e.g. execution insensitive to the order of replies Objective Provide a framework for (mechanically) proving properties on distributed object-oriented languages and programs  typing, confluence, …

3 Each method is a function with a parameter: “self” Functional  -calculus Syntax Semantics (Abadi - Cardelli) Why functional?  updating a field creates a new object (copy)

4 Contribution ASP fun calculus  Based on functional  -calculus  Distributed with active objects and futures  Good representation of functional distributed programs (workflows, services) A type system for ASP fun :  Typing active objects and futures  Proof of subject-reduction and progress  no dead-lock A Formalization in Isabelle/HOL  Calculus and semantics  Type-system  Proofs ASP fun is simpler Easier to formalize in Isabelle/HOL A lot of interesting properties (no dead-lock) BUT further from a “real life” complete programming language

5 Agenda 1 - ASP fun : syntax, semantics and properties 2 - A type system for ASP fun 3 - Formalization in Isabelle/HOL

6 ASP fun Syntax (static) One new construct: Active 1 - ASPfun: syntax, semantics and properties

7 ASP fun Syntax (dynamic) Configurations are sets of activities, each activity has:  A name  An active object  A list of requests being treated Requests map terms to future identifiers 1 - ASPfun: syntax, semantics and properties  f1 f0 f3 f2 Add reference to futures (result of requests) and activities

8 ASP fun Semantics (1/5): Local reduction  Reduced according to  -calculus semantics f1 f0 1 - ASPfun: syntax, semantics and properties

9 ASP fun Semantics (2/5): Activity creation  a is “self contained” f1 f0   1 - ASPfun: syntax, semantics and properties

10 ASP fun Semantics (3/5): Remote Method Invocation  f2 fresh f1 f0  f2 1 - ASPfun: syntax, semantics and properties

11 ASP fun Semantics (4/5): Reply  f1 f0  f2 … f2 1 - ASPfun: syntax, semantics and properties

12 ASP fun Semantics (5/5): Field update on an active object  f1 f0  f2  is “self contained” 1 - ASPfun: syntax, semantics and properties

13 A Basic Property A configuration is well-formed if it only refers to existing activities and futures Reduction preserves well-formedness Initial configuration: 1 - ASPfun: syntax, semantics and properties

14 Agenda 1 - ASP fun : syntax, semantics and properties 2 - A type system for ASP fun 3 - Formalization in Isabelle/HOL

15 Static Terms Re-uses typing for  -calculus  Syntax:  Typing judgement Basic idea: the type of an active object is the type of the contained object How to type active object and future references? Typing environment (mapping from variables to types) 2 - A type system for ASP fun

16 Typing Configurations The type of a configuration is two mappings:  From activity to types  From futures to types A configuration is well-typed if:  Futures and activities defined in C and are the same  All the active objects of C are well-typed  All the requests of C are well-typed Then, typing terms:   -calculus terms and Active are typed as usual  Future and active object references are typed using the environment  f1 f0 2 - A type system for ASP fun

17 Typing Properties Each term has a unique type Subject-reduction (reduction preserves typing) Progress: C is well-typed  C can be reduced or all its requests are values Where a value is an object or a reference to an activity  Absence of dead-locks 2 - A type system for ASP fun

18 Agenda 1 - ASP fun : syntax, semantics and properties 2 - A type system for ASP fun 3 - Formalization in Isabelle/HOL

19 Syntax Syntax is mostly trivial,e.g.: Relies on deBruijn indices (represent variables by natural numbers -- depth) Configurations are mappings Finite mapping 3 - A Formalization in Isabelle/HOL

20 Semantics Almost direct translation, e.g.: Like on paper, reduction relies on reduction contexts (expression with a hole: the reduction occurs in the single hole) 3 - A Formalization in Isabelle/HOL

21 Properties and Proofs l deBruijn indices induce a lot of (easy) additional lemmas l Reduction preserves well-formedness (long) l Typing relatively easy to define  Proofs (subject-reduction, progress, …) relatively long but not difficult (>1000 lines each) Main difficulties:  Long repetitive proofs  A lot of design choices (e.g. define reduction contexts)  Finite maps, and associated recurrence  Two axioms remaining (fresh futures and activities exist)  requires configurations as finite maps of an unbounded length 3 - A Formalization in Isabelle/HOL

22 Future Works / Todo list Introduce methods with a parameter:  (x,y) / a.l(b) (ongoing) Prove confluence of ASP fun  Define a parallel reduction (reducing severl terms in parallel)  ASP fun as it is specified is not confluent l Introduce new rules for merging/garbage collecting activities l Or reduce the conditions of reduction (!! progress) Remove De Bruijn indices  “nominal techniques”?

23 Conclusion A new distributed calculus and its formalization in Isabelle A Type system:  Progress  no dead-lock A base framework for developments on objects, confluence and distribution A lot of possible applications (distribution / typing / AOP …) Experiments on Isabelle (a few months development)  User-friendly, relatively fast development  Finding the right structure/representation is crucial  Proofs are long repetitive and unstructured  Difficulties when modifying / reusing code

24 THANK YOU !!! If you prefer the Greek version …

25 Appendix Typing Rules Configuration ASP

26 An Example 1 - Functional  -calculus in Isabelle

27 An Example 1 - Functional  -calculus in Isabelle

28 What are De Bruijn Indices? De Bruijn indices avoid having to deal with  -conversion Variables are natural numbers depending on the depth of the parameter 1 - Functional  -calculus in Isabelle

29 Why De Bruijn Indices? Drawbacks: l Terms are “ugly”  We are interested in general properties / not for extracting an interpreter … l Lot of additional definitions/lemmas are necessary:  Definition of subst and lift: semantics more complex  Proofs of several additional (easy) lemmas Advantages l Established approach l Reuse Nipkow’s framework for confluence of the -calculus Alternative approaches, e.g. nominal techniques  probably better on the long term De Bruijn indices are perhaps not the best solution but allowed a fast implementation 1 - Functional  -calculus in Isabelle

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