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China’s Endangered Animals: Human Impact in Nature ECO-English Made by Karina Kabbash and Hannah Fazio.

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Presentation on theme: "China’s Endangered Animals: Human Impact in Nature ECO-English Made by Karina Kabbash and Hannah Fazio."— Presentation transcript:

1 China’s Endangered Animals: Human Impact in Nature ECO-English Made by Karina Kabbash and Hannah Fazio

2 What do these animals have in common?

3 China China has over 385 threatened species In the last 500 years over 816 species have gone extinct in China. Endangered species within China include: Giant Panda Golden Monkey Siberian Tiger South China Tiger Asian Elephant Black Necked Crane Yangtze River Dolphin Yangtze River Soft-Shell Turtle

4 Background Information An endangered species (面临绝种危 险的物种) is a population of a species which is in danger of becoming extinct ( 灭绝 ). This occurs because: Environmental changes (环境保护的) Poaching (违法打猎) There are laws to protect endangered species but it is up to you respect them.

5 Asian Elephants (亚洲象)

6 Found in the mountains of Southwest China and Southwest Asia Males are called bulls Females are called cows

7 Asian Elephants (亚洲象) As tall as 3 meters Can live up to 60 years in the wild and up to 80 years in captivity Eat up to 136 kg a day Grass Twigs Leaves Bark

8 Asian Elephant (亚洲象) Used for milling and logging ( 伐木搬运业 ) Endangered because of poaching and environmental changes Females do not have ivory ( 象牙 ) tusks Males are poached -> too many female elephants

9 Golden Monkey (金丝猴)

10 There are three types of Golden Monkeys within China’s Guizhou and Yunnan Provinces Recently the population has risen to 2000

11 Yangtze Soft-Shell Turtle (斑鱉 ) Turtle= 龟

12 Yangtze Soft-Shell Turtle (斑鱉 ) These turtles are almost extinct. There are only two known living within China. One is an 80 year old female. The other is a 100 year old male.

13 Yangtze Soft-Shell Turtle (斑鱉 ) These turtles are almost extinct because of environmental changes. Pollution in the Yangtze River has caused these turtles to die. Now the two zoos in China (Chang and Suzhou) are trying to breed( 养 ) the turtles and save the species.

14 What causes changes in habitat ( 栖息地 )? Deforestation ( 滥伐 森林 ) Natural Disasters ( 自然灾害 ) Pollution ( 污染 ) Changes in food source

15 How do you protect a species? Create laws against hunting. Breeding. Protect a species' natural habitat.

16 What can you do? 你能做什么? 1. Care and Concern for the Environment 关心环境 2. Care and Concern for Animals 关爱运动 3. Care and Concern for the Community 关怀社区

17 Remember: All animals are important! Make sure to properly care for your pet at home. Take you dogs for walks frequently and clean up after them. Take your pets to a veterinarian if they are sick.

18 As Jane Goodall Says.. Every individual matters ! 每个人都很重要! Every individual has a role to play ! 每个人都能发挥作用 Every individual makes a difference ! 每个人都能带来变化!

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