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What are some types of living things???

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Presentation on theme: "What are some types of living things???"— Presentation transcript:

1 What are some types of living things???

2 objectives Classify things into living and nonliving things.
Compare and contrast between living and nonliving things(give example ). Recognize the needs of living things. Identify the meaning of organism.

3 Identify the meaning and types of the cell.
Identify the main parts of the plant cell and its function. Identify the main parts of the animal cell and its function. recognize methods to observe living things.

4 The importance of animals homes.
Read the fast fact p. 50 Where does a seal live? What might a frog use as a home? Why do animals live where they do? What do shelters provide for the living things?

5 Living and non-living Living things: any thing needs food, water, and air. Nonliving things: : any thing dose NOT needs food, water, and air.


7 Once living things are the things that were living after that become nonliving.

8 Any living thing is an organism.
What is the difference between the cat and plant???(both are living things). living things reproduce: it makes more of its kids.( cat: kittens – plants: seeds ).

9 Living things react to changes around them. ( cat run away ).
Living things need energy to grow and move.

10 People and animals get energy from food, but plants get energy from the sun.

11 Living and nonliving things
A living thing can reproduce. It uses energy to grow. Plants use the energy from the sun to make food. They react to changes in the environment. (examples) They can’t reproduce Don’t grow or change Don’t react to changes in the environment. Any living thing is an organism

12 From what this wall is made of?
block wall



15 Types of cells Animal cell Plant cell Nucleus Cytoplasm Vacuole
Cell Membrane Chloroplast Cell Wall

16 cells All living things made up of parts( face- hand- leg- …), and these parts made up of a small parts called cells. Cells are a tiny building block. it is the smallest unit of a living thing.

17 Most cells can not been seen without a microscope.
Plant cells can be different in shape and size, but they have the same parts. Are some cells more important than other cells? explain.

18 Each cell in an organism has its own job; like in plant: leaf, roots, and stem.
All the cells in an organism work with together to help organism survive.

19 Parts of plant cells Plant cell 1. Cell wall 2. Cell membrane
3. Nucleus 4. Cytoplasm 5. Vacuoles 6. Chloroplasts


21 Functions of the parts Cell wall: it gives the cell its shape.
Cell membrane: it keeps not needed substances out of the cell. It protects the parts inside the cell. Cytoplasm: keeps cell parts in place.

22 Chloroplasts: make food to enable a plant to get energy it needs to stay a live.
Nucleus: tells the rest of the cell parts how to do their jobs, just like the brain in human. Vacuole: a storage location in cells

23 Animal cell Animals made up from cells. Each cell has its own job:
Skin cells protect it from the outside. Muscles cells join together to make muscle for moving.

24 Parts of the animal cells
Animals cells have 4 main parts: Cell membrane Nucleus Cytoplasm vacuole

25 Differences between animal and plant cells

26 Observing living things
We can see some living thing easily by our eyes. Some living things are too small that we need to use microscope to see them. We can use hand lens (magnifier) and binoculars in observing living things.

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