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Landforms & Bodies of Water Social Studies Quiz. Landforms & Bodies of Water 1234 5678 9101112 13141516 17181920 STOP.

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Presentation on theme: "Landforms & Bodies of Water Social Studies Quiz. Landforms & Bodies of Water 1234 5678 9101112 13141516 17181920 STOP."— Presentation transcript:

1 Landforms & Bodies of Water Social Studies Quiz

2 Landforms & Bodies of Water 1234 5678 9101112 13141516 17181920 STOP

3 answer Part of a large body of water that extends into a shoreline, generally smaller than a gulf

4 Bay

5 answer A deep and narrow valley with steep walls that has been created by a river flowing across a plateau

6 Canyon

7 answer A point of land that extends into a river, lake or ocean

8 Cape

9 answer One of the large landmasses on the Earth

10 Continent

11 answer Flat, low-lying land built up from soil carried downstream by a river and deposited at its mouth

12 Delta

13 answer A large, thick body of slowly moving ice

14 Glacier

15 answer Part of a large body of water that extends into a shoreline, generally larger and more deeply indented than a bay

16 Gulf

17 answer Elevated land with sloping sides and rounded summit, generally smaller than a mountain

18 Hill

19 answer An area of land, smaller than a continent, completely surrounded by water

20 Island

21 answer A narrow stretch of land connecting two larger areas of land

22 Isthmus

23 answer A sizable inland body of water

24 Lake

25 answer Land with steep sides that rises sharply from surrounding land, generally larger and more rugged than a hill

26 Mountain

27 answer A series of connected mountains

28 Mountain Range

29 answer Body of land jutting into a lake or ocean, surrounded on three sides by water

30 Peninsula

31 answer An area of level land, usually at low elevation and often covered with grasses

32 Plain

33 answer Area of flat land at a high elevation

34 Plateau

35 answer A narrow stretch of water joining two larger bodies of water

36 Strait

37 answer A large natural stream of water that runs through the land

38 River

39 answer An area of low land between hills or mountains

40 Valley

41 answer A mountain created as liquid rock and ash erupt from inside the earth

42 Volcano


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