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MISD Bilingual/ESL Department

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1 MISD Bilingual/ESL Department
SIOP Training #1 Lesson Preparation MISD Bilingual/ESL Department

2 Agenda SIOP Introduction Lesson Preparation Curricular Adaptations
Understanding Content Objectives Understanding Language Objectives Curricular Adaptations Questions on SIOP Agenda

3 Scientific Based Research Professional Development
The SIOP Model includes teacher preparation, instructional indicators such as comprehensible input and the building of background knowledge. It comprises strategies for classroom organization and delivery of instruction. Scientific Based Research Professional Development

4 Lesson Preparation

5 Teachers write clearly defined content objectives on the board for students. These objectives are reviewed at the beginning of a lesson and students should state at the end of the lesson whether the objectives have been met. Lesson Preparation

6 Module 1 – Content Objectives Video Clip Lesson Preparation

7 Let’s Practice As a group, discuss content objectives.
What should the objective state? How should it be written? Create an objective for your group to share with the class. Share…. Let’s Practice

8 Teachers should write clearly defined language objectives on the board for students at the beginning of a lesson. Students state at the end of the lesson whether the objectives have been met. Lesson Preparation

9 Chapter 2 : Lesson Preparation
Module 2 – Incorporating Language Objectives Video Clip Chapter 2 : Lesson Preparation

10 What is a language objective?
Language objectives should be stated clearly and simply. Students will be able to… Recognize… Discuss…. Write… Describe…. What is a language objective?

11 Verbs for Content/Language Objectives
Verbs for content obj. Verbs for lang. obj. Identify Solve Investigate Distinguish Hypothesize Create Select Draw conclusions about Listen for Retell Define Find the main idea Compare Summarize Rehearse Persuade Write

12 Let’s Practice As a group, discuss language objectives.
What should the objective state? How should it be written? Create a language objective for your group to share with the class. Share…. Let’s Practice

13 ELPS English Language Proficiency Skills
ELPS part of required curriculum ELLs need to know social and academic language Integrate second language acquisition with content area instruction (math, science, social studies, etc.) for all language skills ELLs must read, write, listen and speak with increasing complexity ELPS English Language Proficiency Skills

14 Learning Strategies Listening Speaking Reading Writing ELPS Domains

15 (4) provide intensive and ongoing foundational second language acquisition instruction to ELLs in Grade 3 or higher who are at the beginning or intermediate level of English language proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, and/or writing as determined by the state's English language proficiency assessment system. These ELLs require focused, targeted, and systematic second language acquisition instruction to provide them with the foundation of English language vocabulary, grammar, syntax, and English mechanics necessary to support content-based instruction and accelerated learning of English.

16 Concepts taught should be appropriate for the age and educational background of students. Teachers must consider the students' L1, or native language literacy, L2, or second language proficiency, and the reading level of the materials. Lesson Preparation

17 Supplementary materials are used to promote comprehension
Supplementary materials are used to promote comprehension. These include charts, graphs, pictures, illustrations, realia, manipulatives, multimedia, and demonstrations by teachers and other students. Mr Duey - Fractions Video Lesson Preparation

18 Content must be adapted to ELL’s needs through use of graphic organizers, outlines, labeling of pictures, study guides, adapted text, and highlighted text. Lesson Preparation

19 Four Corner Vocabulary
Illustration Sentence Definition Word

20 Four Corner Vocabulary
I used the SIOP model when I planned today’s lesson so that my ELL students could understand better. SIOP is a model of instruction that helps English Language Learners be successful. SIOP ( ) = +

21 Frayer Model Example/Synonym Non-example/Antonym
Definition/Translation Picture

22 How can you adapt content to support ELLs?
As a group, choose one vocabulary word from your content area. Utilize the Four Corner Vocabulary or Frayer Model to explain the word. Share…. How can you adapt content to support ELLs?

23 Meaningful activities integrate lesson concepts with language practice opportunities in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Lesson Preparation

24 How long does it take a teacher to implement the SIOP Model?
FAQ 2 – Video Clip Isn’t the SIOP Model just good instruction? FAQ 3 – Video Clip Questions on SIOP

25 Work on the lesson preparation component of SIOP in your classrooms and document your successes and challenges. Review sample lesson plans and vignettes. Begin to incorporate language objectives into your lessons. First part of our next meeting will be devoted to sharing with the class. us any time if you need additional support – Homework Assignment

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