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Protists What is a protist? Protist Diversity Diseases Caused by protists.

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Presentation on theme: "Protists What is a protist? Protist Diversity Diseases Caused by protists."— Presentation transcript:

1 Protists What is a protist? Protist Diversity Diseases Caused by protists

2 Protists Have Complex Cells Eukaryotic-with a nuclear membrane Membrane bound organelles Single-celled and multicellular algae

3 Movement Flagellum- whip-like tail –Euglena, Dinoflagellates Cilia-hair-like projections that work like oars in water –Paramecium Pseudopods (false foot) –Amoeba

4 Amoeba

5 Paramecium


7 Diatoms


9 Dinoflagellate = red tide

10 Euglena

11 Algae

12 Spirogyra

13 Stentor

14 Vorticella

15 Volvox –colony protists

16 Respond to the environment Detect light, touch, and chemical changes in their environment. Eyespots and other organelles detect these changes

17 Reproduction Because eukaryotes have numerous chromosomes, Meiosis (gametes form) Mitosis (conjugation-joining gametes)

18 Evolutionary Lines Prokaryotes Heterotrophic bacteria = mitochondria Autotrophic bacteria = chloroplasts Eukaryotes Plants evolve from autotrophic protists Animals and fungi have evolved from heterotrophic protists

19 Autotrophic Protists Microscopic Diatoms, phytoplankton, zooplankton Brown, Green, Red algae are multi-cellular (sea weeds)

20 Heterotrophic Protists Consumers Slime molds, water molds Amoeba, Paramecium, Stentor (animal-like) Trichonympha in termite guts Plasmodium causes malaria

21 Diseases Anopheles (mosquitoes) bite infected animal. Spores form in mosquito gut. Spores are injected into host and reproduce in blood cells. Asexual spores infect liver and burst out of cells

22 Diseases Caused by Protists DiseaseHostOrganism Amoebic dysentary HumansEntamoeba Malaria Toxoplamosis Humans Cats/humans Plasmodium Toxoplasma Giardiasis Sleeping Sickness Leishmaniasis Humans Tsetse flies Sand flies Giardia Trypanosoma Leishmania Late blightPotatoesPhytophthora

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