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Eng. Reem Mohanna Eng. Ahmed Al-Afeefy Islamic University of Gaza Industrial Engineering Department EIND2103: Work Analysis & Design Lab.

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Presentation on theme: "Eng. Reem Mohanna Eng. Ahmed Al-Afeefy Islamic University of Gaza Industrial Engineering Department EIND2103: Work Analysis & Design Lab."— Presentation transcript:

1 Eng. Reem Mohanna Eng. Ahmed Al-Afeefy Islamic University of Gaza Industrial Engineering Department EIND2103: Work Analysis & Design Lab

2 12/2/2015Ergonomics & Technical Report Writing2

3  Derives from the Greek : Ergon (work) and nómos (laws).  Term first used in England in the1940s.  Known as human factors engineering in USA.  Ergonomics is the matching of products, activities and environments with the needs of people’. ( Ergonomics Society of Australia )  The science of optimizing the interactions between the person the job and the environment.  ‘Fitting the job to the worker’ rather than the worker to the job.  Involves the study of the physical, anatomical and psychological aspects of man in his (working) environment. 12/2/2015Ergonomics & Technical Report Writing3

4 Disciplines of Ergonomics 12/2/2015Ergonomics & Technical Report Writing4 Industrial Ergonomics Biomechanics Anthropometry Psychology Physiology Industrial Engineering  Work Methods  Facility Layout  Work Flow Methods Analysis Workplace Design Machine & Equipment Design Tool Design Operator Assignments & Job Design

5 Five aspects of ergonomics  Safety  Comfort  Ease of use - Street Signs.  Productivity/performance.  Aesthetics. 12/2/2015Ergonomics & Technical Report Writing5

6  Develops ‘reasonable’ working conditions that do not pose known dangers to human life or health.  Develops working conditions which are well adapted to human characteristics, capabilities, and desires.  Promotes physical, mental, and social health and well-being. 12/2/2015Ergonomics & Technical Report Writing6

7  When workers complain about discomfort or pain.  When workers get sick or injured.  When workers’ performance declines.  When management wants design input.  Determining product liability. 12/2/2015Ergonomics & Technical Report Writing7

8  Setting a lifting standard in a warehouse. How much weight can be lifted How many lifts and for how long Methods of lifting  Designing a keyboard. Layout of keys Force and travel distance of keys Feedback  Determining the need for rest breaks.  Determining if a job has health risks. 12/2/2015Ergonomics & Technical Report Writing8

9  Increase in productivity.  Increase in quality.  Increase in employee morale.  Decrease in absenteeism.  Decrease in (RSI) Repetitive Stress Injuries. 12/2/2015Ergonomics & Technical Report Writing9

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11  The ability to communicate clearly both orally and in writing is of great importance to professional engineers.  After graduation, you will spend a good part of your time explaining your ideas and points of view both to your superiors and technicians under your supervision.  You are, therefore, advised to work on improving your written communication skills, and the preparation of lab reports provides you with an excellent opportunity to do so.  Unlike a newspaper article, a technical report has a certain standard format that must always be adhered to. In addition, the style of technical and scientific writing is different from that used in, say, books of literature. 12/2/2015Ergonomics & Technical Report Writing11

12 Technical Report writing (Cont.)  Colloquial language must NOT be used; instead, explain your ideas in simple and grammatically correct English using clear and short sentences.  Try to get to the point directly and avoid unnecessary elaborations and wordy text  Also, report in the third person (i.e., avoid using “I” and “we”) and in the past tense. 12/2/2015Ergonomics & Technical Report Writing12

13 Technical Report Contents  In most cases, a technical report should consist of: 1. Title Page 2. Abstract 3. Table of Contents, List of Figures, and List of Tables 4. Introduction ( Background and theory) 5. Objective 6. Equipment 7. Procedure 8. Results and Discussion 9. Conclusions and Recommendations 10. References 11. Appendices (if appropriate) 12/2/2015Ergonomics & Technical Report Writing13

14 Title page  It should indicate the following: University, Faculty, Department, and Course Title and serial number of the experiment Student name Instructor name The date on which the report is submitted 12/2/2015Ergonomics & Technical Report Writing14

15 Abstract  A one- paragraph summary of the key points of the report: objectives, methods, results, conclusions, recommendations, and benefits.  Make sure that you include specific numbers with your results, recommendations and benefits.  Written for a top executive who doesn't have the time to read the whole report, but who is interested in what was done (methods, results, conclusions) and why it was done (problem, expected benefits). 12/2/2015Ergonomics & Technical Report Writing15

16 Table of Contents,List of Figures and Tables  Listing the major contents that will help the readers to find what they want quickly.  Following the table of contents, there may also be separate lists of the abbreviations used in the report with their meanings, all the figures by titles, and of all the tables, also by titles. 12/2/2015Ergonomics & Technical Report Writing16

17 Introduction  Background or related information  Theoretical information including laws and equations.  Expected benefits of the experiment (what potential applications may result?). 12/2/2015Ergonomics & Technical Report Writing17

18 Objective  Why did you do the experiment?  Briefly state purposes or goals of the experiment.  It should not exceed two fairly short paragraphs. 12/2/2015Ergonomics & Technical Report Writing18

19 Equipment  List the equipment used in the experiment and briefly mention the specific characteristics of each (e.g. capacity, accuracy of reading). 12/2/2015Ergonomics & Technical Report Writing19

20 Procedure  A short sequential list of steps that you took to perform the experiment.  Write in your own words the actual experimental procedure followed.  The procedure should reflect the facilities available at the lab.  Any assumptions or limitation should be mentioned. 12/2/2015Ergonomics & Technical Report Writing20

21 Results and Discussion  Raw data taken during the experiment should be presented in an appropriate from such as tables, graphs, figures, or photographs.  These must be numbered and supplemented by captions that briefly describe what the figures are all about.  Whenever graphics are used, special attention should be given to the drawing scale in order to yield meaningful curves that clearly indicate the significance of the results.  Miniature and over enlarged graphs should be avoided.  Discuss data with regard to trends, compare results between different methods, etc.; but do not draw conclusions 12/2/2015Ergonomics & Technical Report Writing21

22 Results and Discussion  Discuss the significance of the results as related to the objectives.  Indicate any quantitative and subjective implications of your results.  Identify possible sources of experimental error and in what may these have affected the results.  It may include a correlation and/or a comparison of your experimental results with those that can be predicted from theories or the use of theoretical analysis, and try to explain any discrepancies. 12/2/2015Ergonomics & Technical Report Writing22

23 Conclusions and Recommendations  Present what you can conclude from the results of the experiment and the analysis applied in the discussion.  Present the important recommendations that you have drawn from your results.  Make sure these conclusions relate to the problem and objectives.  It may also be appropriate to add your opinion whether the experiment served its goal of reinforcing what was covered in the materials science lectures. 12/2/2015Ergonomics & Technical Report Writing23

24 References  Provide a numbered list of scientific books or articles to which you refer in the text.  Make sure that each reference was actually cited.  For parts of books: Author name (Publishing Date), "reference book title", edition, publisher and publishing place. e.g: Sherif D. El Wakil; Material Science and Engineering Lab Manual; PWS Publishing Company, Boston; 1994  For web sites: Company or foundation name The link 12/2/2015Ergonomics & Technical Report Writing24

25 Appendices  Appendices may contain mathematical derivations, typical or special computations, figures, tables and graphs that supplement your report.  Usually, it deals with specific phases of your investigation that either support the report or add further information that would be out of place in any of the other parts. 12/2/2015Ergonomics & Technical Report Writing25

26 Page Numbers  Title page must contain NO page numbers.  Roman numerals must be used on all other pages preceding the main text, beginning with I for the abstract.  Arabic numerals must be used for all subsequent sections, beginning with 1 for the Introduction “the first page of the main text”. 12/2/2015Ergonomics & Technical Report Writing26

27 Fonts and Spacing  The manuscript must be typed in Times New Roman font size 12, except where specified otherwise.  For example, headings for Abstract, Table of Contents, List of Tables, List of Figures, chapters in the main text (beginning with Introduction), and appendices must be typed in Bold Times New Roman font size 16.  1.5 Line Spacing. 12/2/2015Ergonomics & Technical Report Writing27

28 Tables and Figures  Go in result section.  Must have headings, above the table for tables, below for figures. e.g: Table(1):, Fig.(1):  Must be mentioned and described in text, otherwise it should NOT be included.  Should be placed beneath or on the page immediately following the point at which they are first described. 12/2/2015Ergonomics & Technical Report Writing28

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30 Grading Policy  The report must be typed i.e.; handwritten reports will NOT be accepted.  You should submit the report ONE week after the experiment is conducted.  Any lateness after the deadline will affect your grade.  The report of non-attended experiment will grade to ZERO.  Any similar report will grade to ZERO.  Working in a group of 2 students. 12/2/2015Ergonomics & Technical Report Writing30

31 Grading Policy Reports 60% Exams & Quizzes 30% Attendance & Participation 10% Total 100%

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