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ME260 Mechanical Engineering Design II

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1 ME260 Mechanical Engineering Design II
Instructor notes

2 Definition of Design Many available definitions
One definition: Design is the process of inventing artifacts that display a new physical order, organization, and form in response to function Another definition: Design is a conscious effort directed towards the ordering of the functional, material, and visual requirements of a problem

3 Design Example Problem: Build a tool/device that is capable of opening metal cans Design Response: Regular, manual can opener Manual safe-operation can opener Electric safe can opener

4 Principles of Design Balance Rhythm Proportion/Scale Emphasis Harmony
Apply to design in general but not necessarily all important to “mechanical design” Also, some of these involve aesthetics which may or may not be important from a mechanical point of view Balance Rhythm Proportion/Scale Emphasis Harmony

5 Important/Often Encountered Mechanical Design Principles
Balance Proportion/Scale Physical balance often involving geometric symmetry Pertains to ergonomics (the study of human factors in design) Size of door and inside space must accommodate people/merchandise to be elevated. Also, location of buttons must be convenient

6 Important/Often Encountered Mechanical Design Principles
Harmony Integration of components in a system to work seamlessly together This pertains to Design for Assembly (DFA) concepts, i.e. the ease with which one can assemble and disassemble parts

7 Design Guidelines Functional Requirements
Material/Manufacturing/Cost Requirements Visual Requirements

8 Design Guidelines Functional Requirements A can/bottle opener must be able to open cans/bottles, otherwise it is a dysfunctional can/bottle opener

9 Design Guidelines Material/Manufacturing/Cost Requirements
More material used in a design means more cost More material normally means stronger design (i.e. less chance of breaking/failure) More material also normally means higher manufacturing cost The type of material also affects both cost and likelihood of failure. It affects performance in general More material/manufacturing also typically means more environmental pollution Finally, the material for your part should be amenable to manufacturing techniques/processes available to you Dilemma

10 CAD (Computer-Aided Design)
Design Guidelines Material/Manufacturing/Cost Requirements Examples: 1- You can not create a perfect 2- A bigger diameter car axle is less likely to break but costs more 3- A car axle made from diamond is both prohibitive in cost as well as can easily fracture/break, i.e. is not tough to withstand a hit. Steel, however, is a good choice material here This pertains to Design for Manufacture (DFM) concepts, i.e. the design process needs to integrate manufacturing feasibility into it An example of CAD (Computer-Aided Design)

11 Design Guidelines Visual Requirements
Many times you want your product to be either: 1- Appealing to the human eye for marketability 2- Of certain color to serve a certain purpose Example 1: Car manufacturers compete to make visually appealing cars Example 2: Protective coats/pants for firefighters are typically made of heat reflective colors, not black for example.

12 Mechanical Properties of Materials
Force is not an objective measure of loading Stress = s = Force/Area (F/Ao) is Why? To answer this answer first: If a force of 1 lb is applied to a rubber band and a force of 100 lb is applied to another, which rubber band will break first? Answer: depends on their cross-sectional area, i.e. the stress that they are subjected to F Area = A l F Area = Ao lo (left) Before deformation, and (right) after deformation

13 Mechanical Properties of Materials
Deformation is simply change in dimensions or geometry/shape of a material under loading The change in length, Dl =l – lo is not an objective measure of deformation. This is positive change if material is loaded in tension and negative change if loaded in compression. Strain (the relative change in length) = e = Dl / lo is. Strain sometimes is expressed as a percentage, i.e. as 100×Dl / lo. If a rubber band is extended by 1 cm and another by 1 m, which one will break first? Answer: depends on how much they stretched (Dl) relative/compared to their original length (lo ), i.e. depends on how much they strained. F Area = A l F Area = Ao lo (left) Before deformation, and (right) after deformation

14 Mechanical Properties of Materials

15 Mechanical Properties of Materials

16 Material Types Ferrous metals/alloys Nonferrous metals/alloys Polymers
Ceramics Glass Diamond, Graphite Wood Composites Iron-based materials, e.g. steels e.g. nickel, silver, etc. Plastics and rubber are prime examples Compounds of metallic & nonmetallic elements, e.g. chinaware Solid with a random atomic structure like a fluid Both made from pure carbon but have different atomic structure Natural and organic material A combination of two/more material types

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