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Software Implementation & Maintenance. Information System Implementation Implementation of Information Systems is a process of organizational change.

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Presentation on theme: "Software Implementation & Maintenance. Information System Implementation Implementation of Information Systems is a process of organizational change."— Presentation transcript:

1 Software Implementation & Maintenance

2 Information System Implementation Implementation of Information Systems is a process of organizational change. It refers to the ongoing process of preparing the organization for a new system and introducing it in such a way as to assure its successful use

3 Implementation is ranging from conversion of basic application to a complete replacement of a computer system Implementation is the process of converting a new or revised system design into an operational one Implementation consists of Conversion, post Implementation review and software maintenance

4 There are three types of Implementation 1. Implementation of a computer system to replace a manual system 2. Implementation of a new computer system to replace an existing one 3. Implementation of a modified application to replace an existing one, using the same computer

5 Mechanism for Successful Implementation A successful implementation of an information system can increased if special attention is paid to the following areas. a. Gaining management and user commitment to the project b. Gaining user commitment to any changes initiated in the new system c. Assuring that the project is well defined and plans are clearly specified.

6 Organizational Change: A significant problems with the organizational change is resistance to the change by those affected. There are different approaches to overcome user resistance depending on the following theories.

7 1. People oriented theory : resistance occurs because of factors internal to the users as individuals or as a group. 2. System oriented theory : resistance occurs because of factors inherent in the design of the system to be implemented. 3. Interaction theory : people or groups resists system because of interaction between characteristics related to both people and systems.

8 Strategies for Implementation TheoryImplementation strategy People orientedEducate user (training) Persuade users ( policies) User participation System orientedEducate users ( better technology) Improve human factors. Modify packages to confirm organizational procedures User participation in designing

9 TheoryImplementation strategy InteractionFix organizational problems before introducing system Restructure incentives for users Restructure relationship between users and designers

10 Conversion Conversion : changing from one system to another. It involves a)Creating computer compatible files b)Training operating staff c)Installing terminals and hardware

11 Activities for Conversion a.Conversion begins with the review of project plan, the system documentation, and implementation plan ( involves the user, project team, programmers and operators ) b.The conversion portion of the implementation plan is finalised and approved c.Files are converted d.Parallel processing between the existing system and new system e.Results of computer runs and operations for the new system are logged on a special form f.Parallel processing is discontinued g.Implementation results are documented h.Conversion is completed. Plans for the post implementation review are prepared

12 Software maintenance can be classified as A. Corrective maintenance- repairing processing or performance failure or making changes because of previously uncorrected problems or false assumptions B. Adaptive maintenance – chanhing the program function C. Perfective maintenance – enhancing the performance or modifying the programs to respond to the users additional change needs.


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