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WASH United – using football to advocate for the rights to water and sanitation.

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Presentation on theme: "WASH United – using football to advocate for the rights to water and sanitation."— Presentation transcript:

1 WASH United – using football to advocate for the rights to water and sanitation

2 What is WASH United? WASH United uses the positive power of football and the role model status of football stars to promote safe drinking water, sanitation and hygiene for all. WASH United is a Club – everyone (football stars, political decision makers, organizations, ordinary people) is encouraged to join and become a Champion for WASH!

3 Goals -Promote handwashing with soap at critical times; -Tackle taboos related to sanitation and create demand for sanitation services; -Advocate for the full recognition and implementation of the human right to water and sanitation.

4 Advocacy activities and materials for South and North -Poster campaigns in Germany and in 8 African countries; -Public Service Announcements; -Country Briefing Papers on RTWS; -Direct engagement with political decision- makers at national and international level.

5 Poster campaigns



8 Using football to directly engage with political decision makers

9 World Toilet Cup




13 Results WASH United campaign: -In less than 4 months, WASH United has directly reached more than 70,000 people with events and activities across Africa -More than 27,000 people (mostly children) have joined the WASH United Club and committed to practising good WASH behaviour -Ca. 13.5 million people have been reached through poster and media campaigns

14 Results re RTWS advocacy: -Political support for RTWS in Germany: ruling parties and the Green Party have submitted appeals to Parliament re RTWS; government appeal explicitly referring to WASH United. -More than 50 political decision makers have agreed to become Champions for WASH United, including more than 20 Ministers, Kofi Annan, Desmond Tutu, etc. Follow up now.

15 Challenges Moving beyond recognition: Nationally: engage with governments to facilitate national legal and policy reform Challenge: capacity InternationallyMainstreaming the RTWS into the UN human rights system: Support amending of reporting guidIdentify focal points at Treaty Bodies


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