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RTP – Real-time Transport Protocol Elbert Tsay, Brad Bargabus, Patrick Lim, Henry Quach The Five Packeteers (minus 1  )

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Presentation on theme: "RTP – Real-time Transport Protocol Elbert Tsay, Brad Bargabus, Patrick Lim, Henry Quach The Five Packeteers (minus 1  )"— Presentation transcript:

1 RTP – Real-time Transport Protocol Elbert Tsay, Brad Bargabus, Patrick Lim, Henry Quach The Five Packeteers (minus 1  )

2 Agenda Introduction RTP Protocol RTCP Protocol RTP Security Summary

3 RTP - Introduction Real time video and audio data RFC 1889 in 1996  RFC 3550 in 2003 Session setup and teardown implemented with SIP (VoIP) Streaming media with RTSP

4 RTP - Introduction No standard TCP or UDP ports Normally runs over UDP (L4) as (L7) app. Even port for RTP, next odd port RTCP Ports 16384 – 32767

5 RTP - Header BitsNameDescription 0-1VersionNormally version 2 2PaddingPadding for fixed length messages 3ExtensionExtension Header follows fixed header 4-7CSRC CountCSRC Identifiers that follows fixed header 8MarkerUsed by some Apps to mark a frame 9-15Payload TypeEncoding of the RTP payload 16-31Sequence NumberIncrements by 1 for each RTP packet


7 SSRC + CSRC SSRC is a random identifying number CSRC is a contributing source (audio conferencing) Mixer combines SSRC + CSRC in one RTP packet

8 RTCP RTCP controls the flow and rate of RTP packets. Typical types of RTCP header packets:  SR – Sender report.  RR – Receiver report.  SDES – Source description items.  BYE – Termination packet report.  APP – Application specific functions.

9 RTCP Session Typical Session:  Initialization: SR or RR packets, with SDES packet.  Continuation: SR or RR packets at timed intervals.  Termination: BYE packet at any given time (can be with SR or RR packets)

10 RTCP Restrictions Several defined restrictions for RTCP:  SR and RR are sent out at timed intervals.  CNAME (located in SDES) must be identify ASAP in order to start receiving RTP packets.

11 RTP Security Security Concerns: Confidentiality, Integrity, and Authentication. Confidentiality:  DES-CBC Algorithm  SRTP Integrity and Authentication:  Not dealt with in original implementation  SHA1 (SRTP) or another layer

12 RTP - Summary RTP for audio and video data transmission RTCP controls RTP Security is more important now than ever because of the growing popularity of data streaming

13 References RTP Header  SSRC + CSRC Diagram  General Information  Security  RFC 1889 (RTP)  RFC 3550 (RTP)  RFC 3711 (SRTP) 

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