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Provisions for the 37.5-43.5 GHz band (Ai 1.32) Resolution 84: sharing FS & FSS/BSS/MSS in 37.5-42.5 GHz Resolution 128: RAS protection in 42.5- 43.5 GHz.

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Presentation on theme: "Provisions for the 37.5-43.5 GHz band (Ai 1.32) Resolution 84: sharing FS & FSS/BSS/MSS in 37.5-42.5 GHz Resolution 128: RAS protection in 42.5- 43.5 GHz."— Presentation transcript:

1 Provisions for the 37.5-43.5 GHz band (Ai 1.32) Resolution 84: sharing FS & FSS/BSS/MSS in 37.5-42.5 GHz Resolution 128: RAS protection in 42.5- 43.5 GHz from new satellite systems Stakeholders: Fixed, Satellite (Defence) and RAS services APT/AUS proposals: existing pfd limits (Res 84); modified 5.551G limits (Res 128)

2 Provisions for the 37.5-43.5 GHz band (Ai 1.32) - 2 Outcomes: Res 84: Existing Art. 21.4 pfd limits sufficient (non-controversial) Res 128: Revise 5.551G to reflect Rec. RA.769 limits for GSO and NGSO systems + Region 2 (Americas) Resolution to allow consultation for higher pfd levels in 42.5-42.77 GHz for 2% of time Compromise to resolve controversial positions. No immediate follow-up needed.

3 Issues related to unwanted emissions (Ai 1.8) 1.8.1: Boundary between spurious and out-of-band emissions (App.S3) 1.8.2: Regulatory provisions from band-by-band studies (Rec 66) between passive and active space services. Affects RAS and Satellite services. AUS/APT position: Support new “domain” definitions (1.8.1); include BbB pfd limits into the Radio Regulations (1.8.2) 1.8.2 controversial. USA adamantly opposed to “hard” limits in RRs. Canada proposed “threshold” limits for triggering consultation only.

4 Issues related to unwanted emissions (Ai 1.8) - 2 Outcomes: 1.8.1: New definitions added to Art. 1 and App 3 (non-controversial) 1.8.2: Compromise reached at Plenary. Footnote & new Resolution on “consultation” after BbB threshold limits reached. Limits in agreed table. + Resolutions to continue BbB studies for RAS and EESS & add to limits table after studies. Action: Follow new studies.

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