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Understanding the Labor Market Understanding the Labor Market Pam Frugoli, OWI, ETA Jennifer Troke, OWI, ETA.

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Presentation on theme: "Understanding the Labor Market Understanding the Labor Market Pam Frugoli, OWI, ETA Jennifer Troke, OWI, ETA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Understanding the Labor Market Understanding the Labor Market Pam Frugoli, OWI, ETA Jennifer Troke, OWI, ETA

2 Workforce Information Overview 1. Identify key industries in your area a)Growing b)Significant in the area 2. Identify firms in those industries 3. Identify key occupations employed in those industries 4. Identify key skills and other requirements of those occupations and industries 5. Different sequence with some of the same tools if helping individuals with layoff For more information visit us at: http://businessengagement.workforce3one.orghttp://businessengagement.workforce3one.org2

3 Key Industries What industries are critical to my area? In what industries does this area have a relative competitive advantage compared to other areas (location quotient)? What industries have grown recently in my State (or local area—MSA or county)? For more information visit us at: http://businessengagement.workforce3one.orghttp://businessengagement.workforce3one.org3

4 /workforcedata_guide.doc /workforcedata_guide.doc 4

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13 Industry Location Quotients Douglas Co. CO, Brevard Co. FL, Lancaster Co. PA 13

14 Specific Firms in an Industry in your Local Area What firms are in my local area in this critical or growing industry? Use Employer Locator For more information visit us at: http://businessengagement.workforce3one.orghttp://businessengagement.workforce3one.org14

15 ory=120&nodeid=102 ory=120&nodeid=102 15

16 or/employerlocator.asp?nodeid=18 or/employerlocator.asp?nodeid=18 16

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18 What occupations and skill sets does a firm in that industry typically employ? Occupational Employment Statistics (OES) survey OES Data Query System ◦Industry staffing pattern ◦Distribution of employment in a specific occupation across industries (what other industries employ these same workers?) For more information visit us at: http://businessengagement.workforce3one.orghttp://businessengagement.workforce3one.org18

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21 For more information visit us at: http://businessengagement.workforce3one.org 21

22 Industry Staffing Pattern (OES) 22

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24 Production Occupations in Industry 24

25 What are the Skill Requirements for those Key Occupations? Use and O*NET OnLine Tasks performed Tools and Technology used Knowledge Skills Abilities For more information visit us at: http://businessengagement.workforce3one.orghttp://businessengagement.workforce3one.org25

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29 Tools and Technology 29

30 In a downsizing or layoff situation - Can the laid off workers find employment elsewhere? 1. Are there other employers in this same industry still hiring? ◦Employer Locator 2. Are there other industries in commuting distance that employ the same types of occupations ◦OES Data Query System: one occupation for multiple industries 3. Can these workers transfer their occupational skills and work experience to other similar occupations? ◦ 30

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32 For more information visit us at: http://businessengagement.workforce3one.orghttp://businessengagement.workforce3one.org32

33 What other industries employ workers in this occupation? 33

34 Employers in Plastics Mfg. 34

35 Transferable Occupational Skills 35

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