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Conclusions theory building, Emphasis on theory building, specific focus on teacher mediation: reframing socio-cultural theory was recontextualised, integrated.

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2 Conclusions theory building, Emphasis on theory building, specific focus on teacher mediation: reframing socio-cultural theory was recontextualised, integrated reformulated  video review process stimulated reframing of ideas: specifically, a priori socio-cultural theory was recontextualised, extended (through testing boundaries) and jointly elaborated (not radically) over time – integrated with applied practical theory and reformulated to achieve the best fit with practice intermediate theory’ of T mediation  culminated in ‘intermediate theory’ of T mediation – detailed categorisation in relation to emerging affordances of projection technology and specific settings, plus overarching themes across lessons (and subjects) deconstruction and reconstruction of practice  in sum, teachers’ and researchers’ initial theories scrutinised, modified & reconciled through the deconstruction and reconstruction of practice

3 Follow-up study Aims:  To assess the impact of participation in the collaboration on pedagogical thinking and everyday practice  To explore the degree of dissemination within subject departments and schools Method:  The 8 teachers were interviewed 1 year after the collaborative analyses in each case  Relevant data were trawled from the transcripts of our video review meetings

4 Findings and conclusions  In-depth reflection and critique of pedagogy offered a very significant PD opportunity to all 8 teachers and resulted in sustained changes in thinking and practice (in same and other topic areas)  Practices developed during T-MEDIA were adopted, modified, extended by participating colleagues, and disseminated to other subject colleagues  Sociocultural theory introduced and refined during the collaborative analyses constituted a powerful analytical lens upon emerging pedagogical practices, including those not incorporating technology, and offered practitioners a new language for describing them in more sophisticated ways  Limited dissemination outside subject departments, except in history…

5 Impact of research process on teacher practice Showed potential of IWB for whole class teaching Showed potential of IWB to support dialogic teaching Helped clarify teacher thinking about collaborative knowledge building Pupils as learning partners

6 Impact of research in and beyond school Awareness of dialogic teaching raised in all faculties Collaboration between Humanities and English on pupil talk Using alternative codings for lesson observations Other colleagues using dialogic teaching as a focus for research projects Opportunities to disseminate findings to colleagues from other schools

7 Publications and outcomes available from Bryony Heather: Paper downloads and CD-ROM order forms available at Across Subjects CD hosted on National Centre for Excellence in Teaching Mathematics portal at (search for “T-MEDIA”)

8 First International Conference on Research into School Teaching and Learning with Whole Class Interactive Technologies July 3 & 4, 2009 University of Cambridge

9 References Cobb, P., Confrey, J., diSessa, A., Lehrer, R. & Schauble, L. (2003) Design experiments in educational research. Educational Researcher, 32 (1), 9-13. diSessa, A. (1991) Local sciences: viewing the design of human- computer systems as cognitive science. In Carroll, J.M. (ed) Designing Interaction: Psychology at the Human-Computer Interface. New York, Cambridge University Press, pp. 162-202. Ruthven, K. (2002) Linking researching with teaching: towards synergy of scholarly and craft knowledge. In English, L. (ed) Handbook of International Research in Mathematics Education. Mahway, NJ, Lawrence Erlbaum, pp. 581-598. Triggs, P. & John, P. (2004) From transaction to transformation: information and communication technology, professional development and the formation of communities of practice. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 20 (6), 426-439.


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