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Eurostat at the forehead Why YOU? MCPFE (-RU) region FOWL is 30% 0.36 ha FOWL/capita 0.69 m 3 Roundwood/capita North Europe (DK, EE, FI, IS, LV, LT,

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Presentation on theme: "Eurostat at the forehead Why YOU? MCPFE (-RU) region FOWL is 30% 0.36 ha FOWL/capita 0.69 m 3 Roundwood/capita North Europe (DK, EE, FI, IS, LV, LT,"— Presentation transcript:


2 Eurostat at the forehead

3 Why YOU? MCPFE (-RU) region FOWL is 30% 0.36 ha FOWL/capita 0.69 m 3 Roundwood/capita North Europe (DK, EE, FI, IS, LV, LT, NO, SE) FOWL is 56% 20% FOWL area of the region 2.33 ha FOWL/capita 35% Roundwood production of the region 5.07 m 3 Roundwood/capita

4 Why WE (Eurostat Forestry)? Statistical Office of the EU Neutral Confidential Empowered Harmonised platform (NACE, NA, CN, etc.) Other data collections (SBS, STS, LFS, COMEXT, etc.) Internal contacts (Agriculture, Climate, Energy, Industry, etc.) International contacts Organisations (FAO, UNECE, ITTO, etc.) Representatives (AEBIOM, CEPF, CEPI, FERN, etc.)

5 What do we do? JFSQ Production data Trade data Publications IEEAF Economic data Physical data Carbon balance Various data requests Internal International Peer-review

6 What's news? Climate change Bio-energy Cascaded use of wood Forest strategy Sustainable Forest Management All decisions should be based on reliable data

7 Balance of sheets Available resources EFDAC (NFI) FRA-SoEF JFSQ IEEAF JWEE UNFCCC International challenges Climate-carbon (UNFCCC) Renevable energy (NRAP, Energy 2020, etc.) Resource efficiency (Cascaded use, Industry, etc.) C&I for SFM …


9 Why fail? Availability of data Confidentiality Unreporting Legal requirements Availability of data collection Cost-benefit Adjustments of existing collections

10 Reloads JFSQ Prioritisation of top items Publishing only what reported Adjust the tables (pellets, Recycled paper, etc.) IEEAF Table 3c Tables 1 and 2 Tables 4 and 5

11 Changes To JFSQ Prioritisation of top items Publishing only what reported Adjust the tables (pellets, Recycled paper, etc.) To IEEAF Table 3c Tables 1 and 2 Tables 4 and 5

12 Changes To JFSQ Prioritisation of top items Publishing only what reported Adjust the tables (pellets, Recycled paper, etc.) To IEEAF Table 3c Tables 1 and 2 Tables 4 and 5

13 Changes To JFSQ Prioritisation of top items Publishing only what reported Adjust the tables (pellets, Recycled paper, etc.) To IEEAF Table 3c Tables 1 and 2 Tables 4 and 5

14 Questions ahead JFSQ Do your country uses Eurostat data provisions? Publishing only what reported – is it enough? New emerging changes? (briquett) IEEAF Table 1: is it more useful? Table 2: Natural losses and mortality Table 2: Logs not removed Table 2: Net or Gros increment

15 Expected benefits JFSQ Reduce workload / increase utility IEEAF Reduce workload on reporting for other international organisations Reduce risk of misreporting Get involved/interested

16 If not contributing one risks to miss the boat!

17 Thank you! Csaba MOZES

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