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Phare Programme 2003 and Transition Facility 2004 – overview on status for Pilot Projects Estonia Mare Zaneva Head of International Co-operation Serevice.

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Presentation on theme: "Phare Programme 2003 and Transition Facility 2004 – overview on status for Pilot Projects Estonia Mare Zaneva Head of International Co-operation Serevice."— Presentation transcript:

1 Phare Programme 2003 and Transition Facility 2004 – overview on status for Pilot Projects Estonia Mare Zaneva Head of International Co-operation Serevice Statistical Office of Estonia Mare Zaneva Head of International Co-operation Service Management Group for Statistical Co-ooperation 2006

2 Phare Multi-beneficiary Statistical Co-operation Programme in 2003 Signed on 22.12.2004 Implementation 01.11.2004 – 31.12.2005

3 Participation of Estonia in 17 data collection projects: 2.1 Assessment of GNI inventories 2.2 Inventory on constant price estimates 2.3 Capital formation and capital stock 2.4 Input-output tables 2.5 Sector accounts 2.6 Short term statistics 2.7 Inward statistics on foregin affiliates 2.8 Energy statistics 2.9 Labour market policy statistics

4 2.10 Job vacancies survey 2.11 Labour Force survey 2.12 Health and disability 2.13 Health care labour account 2.14 Education finance statistics 2.15 Production and consumption of animal products 2.16 Agriculture accounts and prices 2.17 Environmental accounting/Environmental statistics

5 Of overall 7 production departments in the Statistical Office 5 were engaged in data collection projects of the agreement. The burden among the departments was divided as follows: economic statistics department - 5 projects social statistics department – 3 projects enterprise statistics department – 3 projects agriculture statistics department – 1 project price statistics department – 1 project price statistics department/agriculture statistics department – 1 project 2 projects implemented by the Ministry of Social Affairs as partner

6 Finalisation of the projects by the end of 2005 and forwarding the final technical reports to the Eurostat production units. Two of the projects –on energy statistics and short-term statistics were concluded respectively already in May and in August 2005

7 Approval of the technical reports by Eurostat : From 17 projects 13 are technically approved by 13 of March 2006 For job vacancies survey data collection project the additional information was asked and after sending the complemented report it was approved on 26 of January.

8 FATS project - the methodological part of the report has been approved but there is still ongoing exchange of questions/answers concerning some data. So it cannot be considered as concluded. Production and consumption of animal products project final report that was forwarded to the Eurostat production unit on 29.12.2005 is still being analysed. Environmental accounting/Environmental statistics project final report sent on 29.12.2005 is still being revised by Eurostat Agriculture accounts and prices project final report has been not accepted by Eurostat and is being revised by the production units of the Statistical Office of Estonia.

9 The status of the project on 13 March 2006 The final report of the agreement is not ready yet. Waiting for the approval of technical reports, to be able to compile the financial reports of the data collection projects and to transfer the payment to the project performers. After that the overall technical report can be concluded and the financial report finished. SO asked for the prolongation of the final report from Eurostat on 3 of March. No confirmation up to now.

10 Problems in implementation of the project  Cooperation with partners – Ministry of Social Affairs – quite a great challenge, no experience, different traditions in management in different offices, more complicated information exchange, need for additional agreements between the offices, more complicated bookkeeping procedures  The interval between the conclusion of the implementation and sending the final overall report – 3 months is too short. Not considered the Christmas holiday time, the amount of work for Eurostat project managers with the technical reports. The finalisation of the implementation of a project in the end of the year causes problems of financial aspect. The payments can be made after the approval of the technical reports by Eurostat, but the payments cannot be done during the first month of the year as the State Treasury of Estonia makes the revision and all the finances from the previous year are blocked.

11 Transition Facility Multi-Beneficiary Programme for Statistical Integration in 2004 Signed on 13.12.2005 Implementation period 01.01.2006-31.12.2007

12 Participation of Estonia in 19 data collection projects 1.Evaluation of GNI inventories 2.Quarterly national accounts 3. Quality improvements for the Harmonised Consumer Price Index 4.Production of Inward FATS 5.R&D(Innovation) statistics 6.External trade statistics 7.Business register improvements 8.Structural business statistics 9.Implementation of a survey on vocational training in enterprises

13 10. Short term statistics 11. Transport statistics 12. A statistical Time Use Database 13. Labour cost and Earning statistics 14. Implementation of the European Core Health Interview Survey 15. Implementation of a survey on causes of death 16. Meat statistics 17. Waste statistics 18. Water statistics 19. Acting as a European Country for the ICP 2004- 2006

14 The burden among the departments is divided as follows: economic statistics department - 5 projects social statistics department - 3 projects enterprise statistics department - 4 projects agriculture statistics department -1 project price statistics department - 4 projects 2 health projects implemented by the Ministry of Social Affairs as partner

15 The status of the project on 13 March 2006 Work with most of projects have started. The project leaders are preparing the quarterly report tables. Agreement between the Statistical Office and the partner Ministry of Social Affairs under preparation.

16 Problems Financial planning of the yearly budget of the office is quite complicated as we do not know when (2006 or 2007?) the planned meetings will actually take place. Waiting for the transfer of pre-financing. Quite urgent as many projects have to hire (already hired from March) temporary staff and pay to them.

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