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Chapter 14 Lecture 2, Pgs. 444-448, 441- 444, 452-454.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 14 Lecture 2, Pgs. 444-448, 441- 444, 452-454."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 14 Lecture 2, Pgs. 444-448, 441- 444, 452-454

2 Circulations Circuit or circular pattern

3 Systemic From left ventricle out of aorta to rest of body and back to the heart

4 Pulmonary Right ventricle to the lungs & back

5 Hepatic portal *(see figure 14-9, Pg. 446) Veins from the spleen, stomach, gall bladder & intestines first go to another capillary bed in the liver before emptying into veins that return to the heart

6 Hepatic portal The liver can remove excess glucose (which is stored as glycogen) or detoxify (remove) harmful substances Helps maintain homeostasis (constant internal environment)

7 Fetal Exchange through placenta with mother through umbilical cord

8 Disorders of arteries

9 Atherosclerosis & arteriosclerosis Discussed in last chapter (hardening of the arteries) Painful and life threatening Can lead to ischemia- lack of blood flow which can cause MI Ischemia may cause necrosis- death of tissue Gangrene- when tissue decays

10 Aneurysm Artery abnormally widened because of a weakening of the artery wall May lead to blood clots and may burst

11 Disorders of veins

12 Varicose veins Blood pools in the veins rather than going to the heart Occurs in superficial veins near the surface of the body

13 Varicose veins Veins dilate making valves leaky and making even more blood pool Sometimes caused by standing for a long time (force of gravity) Great saphenous is a common vein that becomes varicosed Support stockings, surgery or a substance injected that collapses the veins are used

14 Varicose veins

15 Hemorrhoids Varicose veins of the rectum Veins swell causing possibly pain, itching & bleeding Possibly caused by excessive straining during defecation, pregnancy or heredity They will disappear and reappear

16 Hemorrhoids Treatment & prevention- Need more fiber to make stools softer, medication may relieve symptoms, they may be frozen or surgery to remove them (must relieve pressure)

17 Phlebitis Inflammation of the veins (like from an IV)

18 Thrombophlebitis Caused by clot formation Clots form easier in veins because blood moves slower & is under less pressure Clot may break off possibly ending in the lung (pulmonary embolism) Need anti clotting medication

19 Circulatory shock Failure of the circulatory system to adequately deliver oxygen to the tissues May result in death There are many causes that may reduce blood flow

20 Cardiogenic Results from any type of heart failure, like after a MI, heart infection, or other heart condition

21 Hypovolemic Loss of blood volume due to hemorrhage, dehydration, diarrhea, vomiting, burns, or other conditions

22 Neurogenic Emotional stress, spinal cord injury, or other causes that cause the blood vessels to dilate significantly When the blood vessels dilate, it reduces blood pressure which reduces blood flow

23 Anaphylactic Allergic reaction causes blood vessel dilation Example: bee stings, peanuts, shellfish, etc.

24 Septic Complications of septicemia Infectious agents release toxins that dilate blood vessels Toxic Shock Syndrome

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