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Math Library Functions

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Presentation on theme: "Math Library Functions"— Presentation transcript:

1 Math Library Functions

2 Objective Use functions from the math.h library to do special calculations.

3 Side of Bandana Problem
I am manufacturing bandanas. Given the amount of cloth I can afford for each bandana, I want to know the measure of the side of that square. Write a program to find out the measure of the side of the square bandana.

4 Algorithm 1. Input a 2. 3. Output s

5 Program bandana.c

6 Built-in Functions Call Syntax: fname(arg1, arg2,… argn)‏ Example:
s = sqrt(area); Include #include <math.h> Must use -lm option when compiling gcc -lm prog.c

7 Some Functions in cmath

8 Some Functions in cmath

9 Absolute Value of Integers

10 More Functions in cmath
Examples log(88.5) --> exp(4.483) --> 88.5

11 Example Write a program to find the 4th root of a number input by the user. fourthRoot.c

12 Find Age Difference Write a program to find the difference in age between two quarterbacks on a team.

13 Algorithm Input qb1 and qb2 difference = |qb1 – qb2| Output difference
Write the program today in lab. Started in qb.c

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