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Fundamental Data Types, Operators and Expressions Kernighan/Ritchie: Kelley/Pohl: Chapter 2 Chapter 2, 3.

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1 Fundamental Data Types, Operators and Expressions Kernighan/Ritchie: Kelley/Pohl: Chapter 2 Chapter 2, 3

2 222 Lecture Overview  Variables and data types  Literals and constants  Operators and type conversions  Enumeration and typedef  Library functions – math, strings and I/O

3 333 Identifiers  The name of a function, variable, or other language construct is called an identifier  Identifiers may contain letters, digits and the underscore (' _ ') character  An identifier may not begin with a digit  Reserved words cannot be used as identifiers

4 444 Data Types  C has only two main data types: integer floating point  Each can be preceded by a qualifier, which changes its size or behavior: signed / unsigned short / long

5 555 Integer Sizes  The basic integer data type is int  Its size is not defined as part of the language (unlike Java), and is machine dependant  The types long int and short int define different integer sizes  Short-cut names: long and short

6 666 Signed and Unsigned Integers  The qualifiers signed and unsigned can be added before an integer type definition  By default, integers are signed  As with length qualifiers, the int can be dropped, and thus unsigned will define an unsigned int variable

7 777 The char Data Type  All int types are multiple-byte  To define a single byte variable, the type char is used  char is just like any other integer type, and char and int variables may be assigned to each other freely  char is ASCII, not Unicode

8 888 The sizeof Operator  The unary operator sizeof returns the number of bytes needed to store a variable of a given type:  It can also be used with a specific variable: (Equivalent to using the variable's type) sizeof (type) sizeof (var)

9 999 Data Type Sizes #include int main() { printf ("The size of some fundamental types:\n\n"); printf (" char:%3d byte \n", sizeof(char)); printf (" short:%3d bytes\n", sizeof(short)); printf (" int:%3d bytes\n", sizeof(int)); printf (" long:%3d bytes\n", sizeof(long)); printf (" unsigned:%3d bytes\n", sizeof(unsigned)); printf (" float:%3d bytes\n", sizeof(float)); printf (" double:%3d bytes\n", sizeof(double)); printf ("long double:%3d bytes\n", sizeof(long double)); }

10 10 Data Type Sizes  The results of running the previous program on one specific machine: The size of some fundamental types: char: 1 byte short: 2 bytes int: 4 bytes long: 4 bytes unsigned: 4 bytes float: 4 bytes double: 8 bytes long double: 12 bytes

11 11 Lecture Overview  Variables and data types  Literals and constants  Operators and type conversions  Enumeration and typedef  Library functions – math, strings and I/O

12 12 Literals  A literal is an explicit value appearing in a program  Literals can represent numbers, characters or strings  Each literal belongs to a primitive type, and this type can be determined from its format

13 13 Literal Types  Integer Decimal Hexadecimal Octal  Floating point  Character  String

14 14 Literal Types  Any single character between single quotes is a character literal  A list of characters between double quotes is a string literal  Any unquoted number belongs either to one of the integer types, or to one of the floating point types

15 15 Literal Types  A series of digits with no decimal point is an integer literal An integer literal is int by default, and can be specified as long by adding an ' L ' after it  A series of digits with a decimal point, or followed by an ' F ' or by a ' D ', is a floating point literal double by default, float if followed by an ' F '

16 16 Literal Types – Examples Literal 178 8864L 37.266 37D 87.363F 26.77e3 'c' '&' "Hello" "A&*/-?" Data Type int long double float double char char []

17 17 Integer Literals In Different Number Bases  Just as the literal suffix defines the data type ( int or long ), the prefix defines the base (decimal, hexadecimal or octal)  A prefix of 0x stands for hexadecimal  A prefix of 0 stands for octal 022, 065, 01 0xFF, 0xA1C, 0x25

18 18 Literal Bases – Examples Literal 178 0xAA 25 025 0 0x10 0010 10 Base Decimal Hexadecimal Decimal Octal Decimal Hexadecimal Octal Decimal

19 19 Literal Bases – Examples int main() { printf ("%d %x %o\n", 19, 19, 19); printf ("%d %x %o\n", 0x1c, 0x1c, 0x1c); printf ("%d %x %o\n", 017, 017, 017); printf ("%d\n", 11 + 0x11 + 011); printf ("%x\n", 2097151); printf ("%d\n", 0x1FfFFf); return 0; } 19 13 23 28 1c 34 15 f 17 37 1fffff 2097151

20 20 String Literals  A string literal is an array of characters  The internal representation of a string has a null character ' \0 ' at the end  Therefore, the space required to hold a string is one byte more than its length

21 21 Strings and Characters  An implementation of the library function that returns the length of a string: int strlen (char s[]) { int i = 0; while (s[i] != '\0') i++; return i; }

22 22 Constants  A constant is a variable whose value cannot be changed  The compiler will issue a warning if you try to change the value of a constant  In C, we use the const modifier to declare a constant const int MONTHS_IN_YEAR = 12;

23 23 const and #define  the const modifier creates a variable, with a type and with memory allocation  #define is not much more than a simple text replacement mechanism Saves memory, but has no type checking  const has additional uses, and can also be applied to function parameters or arrays

24 24 Lecture Overview  Variables and data types  Literals and constants  Operators and type conversions  Enumeration and typedef  Library functions – math, strings and I/O

25 25 Operators  C supports the same operators as Java: Arithmetic Assignment Increment / Decrement Bitwise Relational and Logical  Operator precedence rules are also similar

26 26 Operators  Arithmetic operators: +, -, *, /, %  Assignment operators: =, +=, -=, *=, /=, %=, &=, |=, ^=, >=  Increment / Decrement operators: ++, --

27 27 Operators  Bitwise operators: & (and), | (or), ~ (not), ^ (xor), > (right shift)  Relational and Logical operators: >, >=, <, <=, ==, !=, &&, ||

28 28 Bitwise Operators  Bitwise operators work on specific bits  They have many uses, especially in low level operations Flags – each bit in an integer is a separate flag Compression – using non-standard data type sizes Communication protocols Computer graphics (turning pixels on or off)

29 29 Bitwise Operators – Example #include /* Get n bits starting at position p. */ unsigned getbits (unsigned x, int p, int n) { return (x >> (p+1-n)) & ~(~0 << n); } int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { /* Get bits 4,3,2 from 10010110. Result: 101. */ printf ("%d\n", getbits (150, 4, 3)); return 0; } 5

30 30 Bitwise Operators – Example  Our goal is to start with bit 4, and take 3 bits to the right (bits 4, 3 and 2): The first shift pushes outside all bits to the right of the desired section (bits 0 and 1) The second shift creates a mask with n bits in the n rightmost places Using ' & ', all bits to the left of the desired section are zeroed, and only the n rightmost bits are left

31 31 Type Conversions  When operands of different types appear in an expression or in an assignment, the smaller is converted into the larger  Assignment or casting may also convert large types into smaller ones  Information loss will not cause a compilation error (possibly a warning)

32 32 Converting float and int #include int main() { int i; float f = 3.3; i = f; f = i; printf ("i: %d\n", i); printf ("f: %f\n", f); } i: 3 f: 3.000000

33 33 Converting char and int #include int main() { int i; char c = 5; i = c; c = i; printf ("c equals: %d\n", c); } c equals: 5

34 34 Converting char and int #include int main() { int i = 1000; char c; c = i; i = c; printf ("i equals: %d\n", i); } i equals: -24

35 35 Converting char and int #include int main() { char c; int i; for (i = 'a'; i <= 'z'; i++) printf ("%c", i) ; /* Print abc... z */ printf ("\n"); for (c = 65; c <= 90; c++) printf ("%c", c) ; /* Print ABC... Z */ printf ("\n"); } abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ

36 36 Converting char and int #include int atoi (char s[]) { int i, n = 0; for (i = 0; s[i] >= '0' && s[i] <= '9'; i++) n = 10 * n + (s[i] - '0'); return n; } int main() { printf ("%d\n", 1 + atoi ("345999")); } 346000

37 37 Type Conversion in Function Calls  Function calls can also trigger a conversion of the parameter or the return value #include void f (int p) { printf ("%d\n", p); } int main() { f (3.3); return 0; } 3

38 38 Lecture Overview  Variables and data types  Literals and constants  Operators and type conversions  Enumeration and typedef  Library functions – math, strings and I/O

39 39 The use of typedef  typedef allows the programmer to associate a type with an identifier  Creates types that reflect the intended use  Can help in porting the program  The format is similar to that of a variable declaration: typedef type identifier

40 40 typedef – Example #include typedef int Inches, Feet; typedef char String[]; int main() { Feet input_feet; Inches input_inches; String message = "Please enter length:\n"; printf (message); scanf ("%d %d", &input_feet, &input_inches); printf ("The length is: %d'%d\"\n", input_feet, input_inches); }

41 41 typedef – Example  The same program without typedef : int main() { int input_feet; int input_inches; char message[] = "Please enter length:\n"; printf (message); scanf ("%d %d", &input_feet, &input_inches); printf ("The length is: %d'%d\"\n", input_feet, input_inches); }

42 42 Enumeration Types  Enumeration types are another way of defining constants  Provides a way of defining a set of values  Enumeration constants are of type int  Each has a numeric value, starting with 0, and increasing by 1 with each value  Other values can be defined explicitly

43 43 Enumeration Types  Defines an enumeration for week days  This defines the enumeration Fruit, and declares lunch as a variable of that type  The values of the constants are: APPLE=0,PEAR=1,ORANGE=3,LEMON=4 enum Day {SUN, MON, TUE, WED, THU, FRI, SAT}; enum Fruit {APPLE, PEAR, ORANGE = 3, LEMON} lunch;

44 44 typedef and enum – Example #include enum Color {RED, GREEN, BLUE}; typedef enum {TRUE = 1, FALSE = 0} Boolean; int main() { enum Color favorite; Boolean is_favorite = TRUE; printf ("sizeof(favorite): %d\n", sizeof(favorite)); favorite = GREEN; printf ("RED: %d\n", RED); printf ("favorite: %d\n", favorite); if (is_favorite) printf ("Green is my favorite color!\n"); }

45 45 Lecture Overview  Variables and data types  Literals and constants  Operators and type conversions  Enumeration and typedef  Library functions – math, strings and I/O

46 46 getchar() and putchar()  getchar() and putchar() are used to read and write single characters from/to the standard input/output  They are defined in stdio.h  In order to signal the end of a file, we need an additional value that is not a character  To hold this value, an int must be used

47 47 getchar() and putchar() – Example #include int main() { int c; while ((c = getchar()) != EOF) if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') putchar (c + 'A' - 'a'); else putchar (c); return 0; } > The date is: NOVEMBER 2006 THE DATE IS: NOVEMBER 2006

48 48 Additional Functions for Reading Characters  getc() and putc() are similar to getchar() and putchar(), accept that they read from any file  FILE and EOF are defined in stdio.h  Both functions return an EOF on failure int getc (FILE *fp) int putc (int c, FILE *fp)

49 49 Reading Complete Lines  The standard I/O library also includes functions for handling complete lines  fgets() reads at most n-1 characters from the file associated with fp  The line is read into line, and a ' \0 ' is inserted at the end, after the ' \n ' char *fgets (char *line, int n, FILE *fp)

50 50 Reading Complete Lines  fgets does not allocate memory to store the result, so line should point to a buffer large enough to contain the complete line Two additional spaces should be reserved beyond the text itself, for ' \n ' and ' \0 '  If there are no more lines to read, then NULL is returned

51 51 Example – Adding Line Numbers to a Text File #include #define MAX_LINE_SIZE 80 int main() { char buf[MAX_LINE_SIZE]; int line = 1; while (fgets (buf, MAX_LINE_SIZE, stdin) != NULL) printf ("%4d %s", line++, buf); return 0; }

52 52 Formatted Input and Output with Files  The functions printf() and scanf() have special versions for accessing files  The file versions have the same format and arguments as the standard versions  is the same as int fprintf (FILE *fp, const char *format, …) int fscanf (FILE *fp, const char *format, …) fprintf (stdout, …)printf (…)

53 53 Formatted Input and Output with Strings  Similarly, the standard I/O functions have special versions that work with strings  The function sprintf() writes to its first argument instead of writing to the screen  sscanf() reads from the input string s int sprintf (char *s, const char *format, …) int sscanf (const char *s, const char *format, …)

54 54 Formatted Input and Output with Strings – Example #include int main() { char *str1 = "1234 12.5 hello"; char str2[80], str3[80]; float f; int i; sscanf (str1, "%d %f %s", &i, &f, str2); sprintf (str3, "str %s, int %d, float %.2f", str2, i, f); printf ("Result: %s\n", str3); } Result: str hello, int 1234, float 12.50

55 55 String Functions  The standard library contains many functions for handling strings  The prototypes of these functions are defined in the header file string.h  An example we have seen earlier: size_t is defined as an integral type size_t strlen (const char *s)

56 56 Mathematical Functions  The C language itself does not include any mathematical functions, but these can be obtained from the mathematics library  To use functions from the library, the math.h header should be included  Also, in some versions of UNIX, the -lm option must be passed to the compiler

57 57 Mathematical Functions  Math functions accept double arguments, and return double values  Some functions from the math library: sqrt(), pow() exp(), log() sin(), cos(), tan()

58 58 Mathematical Functions – Example #include int main() { float x; printf ("Input x: "); scanf ("%f", &x); printf (" x = %.3f\n" " sqrt (x) = %.3f\n" " pow (x, x) = %.3f\n", x, sqrt (x), pow (x, x)); } Input x: 3 x = 3.000 sqrt (x) = 1.732 pow (x, x) = 27.000

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