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Open your Agenda to page 9.

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1 Open your Agenda to page 9.
Berry Shoals Jr. National Beta Club Friday, May 9 Open your Agenda to page 9.


3 National Jr. Beta Club Pledge
I hereby declare that I shall always strive To be honest and truthful at all times; To maintain a creditable scholastic record; To be of service to my teachers and fellowmen; To conduct myself in a manner to reflect credit Upon my school and community.

4 The reading of the minutes:

5 Beta Great Heather French

6 Be sure Mrs. Phillips has your points totals today.
Beta Club Field Trip Friday, May 23 The Sixth Grade Members with the top Service Points will be invited to attend our yearly trip to National Headquarters. Permission slips will go out to qualifying members next week. Be sure Mrs. Phillips has your points totals today.

7 How the points system works:
Service Points How the points system works: Everyone who was on time should have gotten their card initialed. If you are wearing your pin or t-shirt today, you should have received an extra signature. Only one extra signature…not one for each.

8 You will be responsible for remembering to bring your card to each meeting or activity. You will get your card initialed by an officer or an advisor each time you attend a club or committee meeting, participate in litter patrol pick up, or contribute to service projects.

9 If you misplace your card, you will have to ask for a new one, but you will not be given credit for any signatures on the old one. If you are not on time to the monthly meetings, you may quietly come in and join the group, but your card will not be initialed. You must maintain at least a 3.5 GPA (at least 2 As and 2 Bs) each nine weeks. If you do not, you may consider yourself on probation until the next nine weeks.

10 According to the Beta Creed, you must conduct yourself in a manner behaviorally which reflects credit upon school and community. What does probation mean? It means you are in danger of becoming an inactive member due to not maintaining the criteria for membership.

11 If you are on probation, this means you must work hard to improve in the area which caused the probation: academics, behavior, participation. What happens if I am on probation twice? You will become an inactive member.

12 Service points will be recorded and a cumulative record will be kept.
Members not in good standing at the end of the semester will be notified. This can be due to lack of participation, academics, or behavior, i.e. ISS.

13 Sixth graders must earn 15 service points this semester!
Fifth graders must earn 8 service points this semester!

14 Need Points? This month’s service opportunities:

15 Adopt-A- Road 6th grade members only
Our next pick up date is Saturday, May 17 at 9:00.

16 Relay for Life Team Shirts still available for Beta Club members.
Orders due by 9:00 Monday, May 12. Orders will be back in time for the May 23 Dorman. 2 Service Points

17 Where: Dorman Track Field
When: Friday, May 23 @ 6:30 Who: Beta Club members and their parents Why: To support the “Bee”cause We Care relay team and walk the team lap during the opening ceremony Points: 2 service points

18 Since Beta Club is a service orientated organization, we wish to show our support of the Berry Shoals “BEE”Cause We Care Relay Team. Beta Club members and their parents are invited to participate in the “Team Lap” during the opening ceremonies at Dorman High School on Friday, May 23 @ 6:30 pm. Students must be accompanied by a parent/guardian as this is not a school sponsored event and Beta Club Advisors nor Berry Shoals teachers will be responsible for students at this event. You may; however, check in with Mrs. Phillips and Mrs. Sudduth to receive two service points for this activity.

19 Relay for Life Luminaria Bags $5 each
In Memory of someone who has lost their fight with cancer or In Honor of someone that is fighting the battle now or is a cancer survivor. 1 service point for each bag sold .

20 2014 Elections Officers Needed
President: Hailey Greer Laura McClary Laurin Nodine Sarah Scholz Racquel Talley

21 Vice- President: James Few Aggie Fowler Isabella Gentry Anika Rana

22 Secretary: Amanda Cox Camaya Lewis Amanda Petty Emma Saunders

23 Sergeant of Arms: Carly Gillis

24 Please check only one for each office.
President: Hailey Greer Laura McClary Laurin Nodine Sarah Scholz Racquel Talley Vice- President: James Few Aggie Fowler Isabella Gentry Anika Rana Secretary: Amanda Cox Camaya Lewis Amanda Petty Emma Saunders Sergeant of Arms: Carly Gillis

25 The next meeting will be:
Friday, September 12 @ 7:15 in Art Room II. Remember, the more you put into Beta, the more you get out of it!

26 Have a safe summer!

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