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Self-Learning Program 2011-2012 King Saud University Preparatory Year Deanship Intensive English Program Week 4_ Levels 1-4.

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Presentation on theme: "Self-Learning Program 2011-2012 King Saud University Preparatory Year Deanship Intensive English Program Week 4_ Levels 1-4."— Presentation transcript:

1 Self-Learning Program 2011-2012 King Saud University Preparatory Year Deanship Intensive English Program Week 4_ Levels 1-4

2 You see a doll. The doll reminds you of your childhood. In this action, what is your mind doing? RememberingUnderstandingCreating

3 After the teacher explains a lesson, she asks you some questions to answer. In this action, what were you doing in order to answer? AnalyzingUnderstanding applying

4 Your teacher told you a story. You understood it. Now, the teacher asks you to act it out. In this action, what is your mind doing? Analyzing Understanding Applying

5 You want to buy a mobile phone. You see two nice phones. You can’t decide which one you like more. You start thinking of the good applications and the problems of each one. In this action, what is your mind doing? AnalyzingCreatingRemembering

6 Your friend just did a presentation about her project. The teacher asked you to what was good about the presentation and how it was useful for you? In this case, you need to do what? Applying Understanding Evaluating

7 When the teacher asks you to design an invitation card, what will you be doing? CreatingAnalyzingRemembering


9 Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating Higher order of thinking Lower order of thinking

10 Look at the picture and discuss the following: 1- What can you see? 2- What words might come to your mind when you see this picture?

11 Now, do you think the picture helped you to remember some words ? This is called:

12 2 1 4 3 Activity 1 Let’s see how association works with your memory: Divide the class into 4 groups. Ask each group to choose a number from 1-4 In groups, choose a leader and a time keeper. Start recalling and remembering the words of the things you can see in the picture( at least 5 words).

13 We connect words with relevant pictures to remember them easily. (Association through Visualization) Association Technique (1)

14 school animals fruit Computers speaker horse library orange screen rabbit apple classroom Activity 2 Let’s learn more memory techniques

15 We organize all the words we learn under their categories so we can remember them in groups or in parts. (Association through Categorization) Association Technique (2)

16 Now lets have some fun: (cut-outs) Divide the class into two teams. One for “the whole group” ss and another for “the parts.” Choose 4 students to be the whole group students while the rest of ss are the parts. Each “part” student picks 1 or 2 words from the shuffled cards. Now, find the whole of which you are part. Meet the other parts and make a group. Activity 4

17 Remembering This Is the first level of thinking in Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy where the learner is able to recall, restate and remember learned information.

18 Why are we studying remembering in self-learning? It improves our thinking. It is one of the self-learning tools (Individual Study Technique)

19 LET’S SEE HOW WELL YOU REMEMBER TODAY’S LESSON… 1)What are the six thinking levels in Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy that were mentioned at the beginning of this lesson? 2)What is the name of the thinking level you learned today? 3)What MEMORY TECHNIQUES will help you remember the new words you learn in each lesson? 4)what is the SL tool used in this lesson ?

20 Association Visualization When we learn words, we need to connect them to pictures to remember them easily. Categorization We organize all the words we learn under their categories to remember them better.

21 - Choose 2 different words from the following list and write about how you can remember them by using the memory enhancement technique you studied today : 1-sunflower 2- healthy 3-notebook 4-fountain 5-pyramid 6-Science Week 4 Homework See the given example in the next slide

22 Technique (2):Association by categorization: the word ‘hospital’ hospital nurse doctor ambulance medicine patient operation appointment laboratory Technique (1):Association by visualization: the word ‘ fun’ fun

23 Mark012 Not accomplished at all Partially accomplished Fully accomplished


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