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Intermediary Translation Map A-> 2,3 C->1 1->B 2->B A iStuff Input Component 1 Application C iStuff Input Component B iStuff Input Component 2 Application.

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Presentation on theme: "Intermediary Translation Map A-> 2,3 C->1 1->B 2->B A iStuff Input Component 1 Application C iStuff Input Component B iStuff Input Component 2 Application."— Presentation transcript:

1 Intermediary Translation Map A-> 2,3 C->1 1->B 2->B A iStuff Input Component 1 Application C iStuff Input Component B iStuff Input Component 2 Application 3 Application

2 Anoto PeniMouse iMike iDog X10 iStylus iSlider RF iButtons

3 Anoto PeniMouse iMike iDog X10 iStylus iSlider RF iButtons

4 iSpeaker iLight iBuzzer

5 iSpeaker iLight iBuzzer

6 Event Heap PatchPanelProxy iStuff Device Transceiver iStuff component Application Wireless connection iStuff Architecture

7 Event Heap PatchPanel Intermediary PatchPanel GUI PatchPanel Configuration PatchPanel Architecture

8 iStuff Prototyping Desktop GUIs: easy Prototyping Post-Desktop UIs: hard Goal: Simplify post-desktop experiments UI Idea: iStuff := toolkit for prototyping Post- Desktop UIs –Basic input/output components –Wireless, autonomous –Designed for augmented environment (iRoom) –Lightweight, Cross-platform, simple API

9 iButtons X10 iPen iDog iLight iSlider USB receiver iDial

10 Taking Advantage of Infrastructure 5-line Event Heap based application can talk to iStuff iStuff device = wireless device + PC proxy/daemon –Lightweight, cheap, low-power,... devices Application eheap.jar Event Heap eheap.jar PC daemon iSpeaker Radio Transmit eheap.jar PC proxy iSlider Radio Receiver "iStuff device"

11 iStuff: Evaluation Successful sample uses –Start The Room –iPen –iPong Great Unified Input Theory: –New paradigm for writing room applications


13 Event Heap app to speak text import iwork.eheap2.*; class speaktext { // Connects to event heap in static void main(String []args) // arg[0], and sends AudioEvent { // with the text in arg[1]. try{ EventHeap theHeap=new EventHeap(args[0]); // Connect to the Event Heap Event myEvent=new Event("AudioEvent"); // Create an event myEvent.setPostValue("AudioCommand", "Read"); // Set its fields myEvent.setPostValue("Text", args[1]); theHeap.putEvent(myEvent); // Put event into Event Heap } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } >speaktext "Hello World"

14 Great Unified Input Theory iStuff wireless hardware layer can be RF, X-10, Bluetooth, 802.11b, Infrared, Cellular,... Offer iStuff as abstraction layer of room devices above this level Adopters can –Use our hardware and software designs and replicate devices –Use our software and use off-the-shelf components as iStuff –Implement the "plugins" for new hardware technologies Make applications listen only to Event Heap Events

15 Summary The Stanford iRoom Ubicomp requires re-thinking user interface metaphors and architecture iStuff as a tool to facilitate experimentation in ubicomp interfaces –Not the answer to "post-desktop mouse & keyboard", but may help finding it...

16 The Stanford iRoom


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