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Steroids & Dietary Supplements Fitness, Weight Management,& Nutrition By: Mr. Springer.

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Presentation on theme: "Steroids & Dietary Supplements Fitness, Weight Management,& Nutrition By: Mr. Springer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Steroids & Dietary Supplements Fitness, Weight Management,& Nutrition By: Mr. Springer

2 What are steroids?? _______________________________________ _______________________________________ ______________________________________. (Also Called) ____________________________________ ________________________ ________________________.

3 Steroid Breakdown  The full name for the class of drugs known as steroids is… And - ______________________________________ ______________________________________ Ana - ______________________________________ ______________________________________ St - ______________________________________

4 Why use steroids?  ________________________________  Allows a person to _____________________________________ _____________________________________  *____________________

5 Common Examples of steroids  Deca-Durabolin  Durabolin  Equipoise  Winstrol  Dianabol Tablets  Sustanon

6 How do people get steroids?  ________________________________________ ________________________________________  _______________________  Debilitated states resulting from ______________________________________

7 How do people get steroids?  _______________administer steroids to animals for legitimate purposes…  ______________________  ______________________________________ ______________________________________

8 How do people buy steroids?  Smuggling  Steroids can be transported here illegally from __________________.  Steroids are more easily obtained here because _________________________.

9 How people take them…  _______________ (into skin/muslces)  _________ (Consuming pills)  _______________________(under skin)  _______________________________

10 Facts about users  Steroid abusers take upwards of ___________ ______________________ of anabolic steroids.  Use “_________” techniques to improve results. (______________________________)  Alternate use from low to high doses lasting 6 - 16 weeks. These are________________, usually with a high dose ______________.

11 Short-term effects (Men)  _____________________

12 Short-term effects (WOMen)  ______________________________  _______________________________  ______________________________  *Note that in youth, puberty changes are ___________ and __________ is halted due to _____________________maturation.

13 Long-Term effects  ____________________________  __________________  ________________________________________  __________________  ________________________________________

14 Legal issues The possession or sale of anabolic steroids without a valid prescription is illegal. Simple possession of illicitly obtained anabolic steroids carries a maximum penalty of ______________ ______________________________________________________. The maximum penalty for trafficking is ______________ & ____________________ if this is the persons first felony drug offense. If this is the second felony drug offense, the maximum period of imprisonment and the maximum fine both double. *The above is for federal offenses, individual states have also implemented fines/penalties!!

15 F (for) Y (your) I (Information) Results from the 2005 Monitoring the Future Study, which surveys students in eighth, tenth, and twelfth grades, show that ____________eighth graders, ____________ of tenth graders, and ____________ of twelfth graders reported using steroids at least once in their lifetimes. (12) (12) Regarding the ease by which one can obtain steroids, 18.1% of eighth graders, 29.7% of tenth graders, and 39.7% of twelfth graders surveyed in 2005 reported that steroids were "fairly easy" or "very easy" to obtain. During 2005 56.8% of twelfth graders surveyed reported that using steroids was a "great risk." (13) (13)

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