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Conference “Nature Conservation and the EU policy for sustainable land management in the new EU Member States”, 16th – 20th of June 2007 in Bonn Marek.

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Presentation on theme: "Conference “Nature Conservation and the EU policy for sustainable land management in the new EU Member States”, 16th – 20th of June 2007 in Bonn Marek."— Presentation transcript:

1 Conference “Nature Conservation and the EU policy for sustainable land management in the new EU Member States”, 16th – 20th of June 2007 in Bonn Marek Kryda Polish Agri-Environmental Initiative

2 Description of agriculture holdings Amongst 1,956.1 M of individual holdings of the size above 1 ha of agricultural land: o Holding operating on a non-permanent or temporary basis (17%) o Subsistence farms (10,6%) o Semi-subsistence farms (25,5%) o Commercial farms ( 47,7%)

3 Allocation to axes Minimum allocation to individual axes  Axis 1 and 3 - at least 10% of the whole contribution from EAFRD  Axis 2 - at least 25% of the whole contribution from EAFRD  Axis 4 - Leader – for the new members at least 2.5%of the whole contribution from EAFRD whereas for other members 5 % Total amount for PL is about 14 bln Euro

4 Payments are not enough to protect environment and biodiversity Case study: Poland In the last few years despite of all EU funds, destructive influence of agriculture as a whole, increased what shows Helsinki Convention HELCOM: „The emount of Nitrogen from agricultural sources in Poland reaching Baltic Sea increased instead of decreasing“

5 Who is a Peasant? Peasant/traditional farmer works in accordance with natural cycles: seasons of the year, cycles of daylight, fertility cycles What is Factory Farming? Operation against and despite of natural cycles: artificial insemination, implementation of embrios, hormonal intervention (for example oxitocine), keeping animals indoors, lights on 24 hrs a day

6 Small is Beautiful Multifunctional is Beautiful Big and Monoculture suppress Life and biodiversity

7 OPPORTUNITIES AND CHALLANGES The changing role of farmers. Farmers should continue to be providers of most of the food consumed by Europeans, and of food which is exported. But the emphasis in the production of that food is shifting from volume-at-low-cost to food quality, human health, animal welfare and respect for the environment. These three demands shouldn’t be separated.

8 Empowerment If the enterprise and the energy of people is indeed to be released at local level throughout Europe, then governments and the European Union must recognise the barriers that now exist and take active steps to empower the people. In many parts of Europe - east and west, north and south, urban and rural - people now feel demotivated, dependent upon the initiative of others, dis-empowered. Programmes of development, initiated by government or the European Union, will not work effectively if the people are not committed and involved. The policy makers must look at the future from the perspective of the citizen, not only of the European politician.

9 Food and farming A further significant factor in the changes affecting agriculture is the rising public concern with quality and safety of food. This concern has been prompted by outbreaks of animal disease or food-related human illnesses caused by factory farming and concentration of production, such as salmonella, brucellosis, BSE and foot and mouth disease. European consumers increasingly demand, and many are ready to pay extra for, food which they believe to be free of pollution and of risk of disease. This is prompting rapid growth in the volume of organic produce, and a rising public demand for foods of named origin.

10 This represents a necessity for farmers to diversify their production and to relate directly to consumers. Governments and the EU can encourage this process, by highlighting the specific values of locally produced and marketed food. A more direct link between farmers and consumers will help to recreate local markets, traditional links, and a trusting relationship, between rural and urban citizens of Europe. Anonimity of producers has to be ended.

11 Innovation in the food supply chain, environmentally friendly production. The new approach to the links between farming and the food chain points to the need for clearer recognition, in EU instruments, of issues such as transparency related to food processing, standards and labels for organic or environmentally friendly production, traceability, added value and related issues. There is a case for special EU funding in these fields - related to enterprise conversion, research and innovation - for a period of years. Innovation in the food supply chain, environmentally friendly production. The new approach to the links between farming and the food chain points to the need for clearer recognition, in EU instruments, of issues such as transparency related to food processing, standards and labels for organic or environmentally friendly production, traceability, added value and related issues. There is a case for special EU funding in these fields - related to enterprise conversion, research and innovation - for a period of years.

12 Transparency and effectiveness If citizens are to be assured that there is real added value from the EU, and that the real needs of very varied regions are being met, there must be transparency in all public processes and there must be assurance of effectiveness in programmes. Unfortunately, these criteria are not currently met. The preoccupation of the European Commission with financial accountability and rigorous audit is causing lamentable delay in pursuit of programmes, and hesitancy to take initiative and to permit initiative in others. The Convention must address how to shift the emphasis onto action, speedy despatch of business, transparency and effectiveness.

13 Thank you!

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