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RDS Workshop - GIRO 2002 Robert Humphreys. Agenda Lloyd’s overview Regulatory RDS Specific RDS Impact of September 11th Possible future approaches Summary.

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Presentation on theme: "RDS Workshop - GIRO 2002 Robert Humphreys. Agenda Lloyd’s overview Regulatory RDS Specific RDS Impact of September 11th Possible future approaches Summary."— Presentation transcript:

1 RDS Workshop - GIRO 2002 Robert Humphreys

2 Agenda Lloyd’s overview Regulatory RDS Specific RDS Impact of September 11th Possible future approaches Summary

3 Lloyd’s Overview Founded in 1688 2002 capacity: £12.5bn Number of syndicates: 88 Number of brokers: 152 Premium income sources: 38% from US

4 History of RDS Introduced in 1995 Purpose of Regulatory RDS: syndicates demonstrate they can manage risk establish proper systems and controls in place syndicates choose appropriate events that reflect their exposures. Regulatory RDS broadly same since inception

5 Regulatory RDS 2002 USA Windstorm Marine Event Major North Sea complex Aviation collision Major risk loss Space storm Liability Political risks Second event

6 Major US Natural Catastrophes 1811New Madrid Earthquake$74bn 1906SF Earthquake$34bn 1926Great Miami Hurricane $46bn 1938New England Hurricane$15.5bn 1992Hurricane Andrew$20bn 1994Northridge Earthquake$14bn *2000 $ values

7 Lloyd’s Catastrophe Risk (1) Monitor market exposure to catastrophes Assess the resilience of the chain of security Input to the market rating Facilitate improved assessment of cat exposures across the market

8 Lloyd’s Catastrophe Risk (2) Difference between regulatory and specific RDS

9 Specific Scenarios (1) Lloyd’s greatest natural cat exposures are to US hurricanes/earthquakes Extensive practitioner consultation RMS & AIR helped specify the events and intensities Discussion with other cat modelling agencies and brokers re. their approach

10 Specific Scenarios (2) Florida windstorm and California earthquake specific scenarios in 2000 New Madrid scenario in 2001 N.European windstorm and Japanese earthquake in 2002

11 Specific Scenarios (3) Need data on best-estimate basis Understand difficulties faced by syndicates Encourage underwriting input RDS working party set up in 2001

12 Specific RDS - Florida Windstorm

13 Specific RDS - California Earthquake

14 Specific RDS - New Madrid Earthquake

15 Specific RDS - European Windstorm

16 Specific RDS - Japanese Earthquake

17 Lloyd’s readiness before the event Lloyd’s immediate response Focus on California earthquake and aviation collision Estimate of market and syndicates’ potential exposures Assessment of quality of reinsurance asset Impact of September 11 th

18 Possible future developments Flood Lower severity / higher frequency events Terrorism Other regions

19 Chairman’s Strategy Group (CSG) Cat exposure should be analysed using tools or methods approved by franchisor Each franchisee should manage to a minimum return period agreed by franchisor Maximum gross & net exposure to a single Lloyd’s specified RDS are up to 75% and 20% of capacity respectively Role of Lloyd’s Franchise Performance Director

20 Summary Data issues and validation Underwriting input Role of cat modelling agencies FSA proposals for risk-based approach Lloyd’s franchise concept


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