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Reliability Reliability of Adhesives used in High Quality Audio Components.

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Presentation on theme: "Reliability Reliability of Adhesives used in High Quality Audio Components."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reliability Reliability of Adhesives used in High Quality Audio Components

2 Background Adhesives used to bond two metallic components together. Adhesive is Key Process Input (KPI) for the construction of speakers. Storage conditions (temperature and humidity) are KPI’s to reliability of adhesive.

3 Background Two Conditions: –Factor 1: Length of Storage Bond strength was measured for adhesives stored for 3 days to 82 days. –Factor 2: Storage Temperature and Humidity Bond strength measured for adhesives stored at 4 conditions: Relative Humidity

4 Analysis Steps of Analysis –Excel –Minitab –Maple –Monte Carlo Analysis

5 Excel Analysis of Storage Conditions

6 Storage Time Analysis Table of MTTF Standard 95% Normal CI Distribution Mean Error Lower Upper Weibull 266.949 0.908659 265.174 268.736

7 Storage Conditions Capability

8 Storage Conditions Minitab Analysis Distribution ID Plot: Test 1 Goodness-of-Fit Anderson-Darling Correlation Distribution (adj) Coefficient Weibull 2.057 0.927 Table of MTTF Standard 95% Normal CI Distribution Mean Error Lower Upper Weibull 223.489 52.3552 141.205 353.721 Distribution ID Plot: Test 2 Goodness-of-Fit Anderson-Darling Correlation Distribution (adj) Coefficient Weibull 2.722 0.911 Table of MTTF Standard 95% Normal CI Distribution Mean Error Lower Upper Weibull 223.331 81.9036 108.838 458.263 Distribution ID Plot: Test 3 Goodness-of-Fit Anderson-Darling Correlation Distribution (adj) Coefficient Weibull 1.187 0.958 Table of MTTF Standard 95% Normal CI Distribution Mean Error Lower Upper Weibull 271.769 16.1156 241.950 305.264 Distribution ID Plot: Test 4 Goodness-of-Fit Anderson-Darling Correlation Distribution (adj) Coefficient Weibull 2.043 0.933 Table of MTTF Standard 95% Normal CI Distribution Mean Error Lower Upper Weibull 20.2886 7.87081 9.48490 43.3979

9 Conclusions Storage Conditions showed significant differences in MTTF. Storage Time did not show significant differences in MTTF Further Weibull analysis in Maple required. Equations from Maple will be used to conduct Monte Carlo Analysis.

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