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Complete Do Now Silently & Independently 1.Follow entrance procedure 2.Find you assigned seat 3.Have your binder/syllabus out on the top right corner of.

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Presentation on theme: "Complete Do Now Silently & Independently 1.Follow entrance procedure 2.Find you assigned seat 3.Have your binder/syllabus out on the top right corner of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Complete Do Now Silently & Independently 1.Follow entrance procedure 2.Find you assigned seat 3.Have your binder/syllabus out on the top right corner of your desk to be check

2 Objectives/Why does this matter? EQ: What is essential for all life? We will be able to describe cell theory in order to explain that cells are the building blocks of life.

3 Agenda Do Now & Review Where to you stand? Setting our binders/notebooks Introduction to cells EOC Practice Question Practice Using CATCH

4 Class Competition/Homework Challenge Put your name on your torches! Take 2 minutes to add your own flair Tape will be becoming out to you

5 Updates/Homework Quiz on Thursday/Friday over what we cover this week + procedures Your homework will be to complete our Intro to Cells Reading if not finished in class today

6 Video Introduction to Cells 1. What do cells make up? 2. About how many cells do we have? 3. Why are cells like bricks? How are they different?

7 Cell Facts The average human being is composed of over 50 Trillion individual cells!!! It would take as many as 50 cells to cover the area of a dot on the letter “ i ” WOW!!!

8 Cell Theory Three principals

9 The cell is the most basic unit of life. Principal # 1

10 Principal # 2 All organisms are made of one or more cells. Unicellular: one cell Multicellular: many cells

11 Principal # 3 All cells are produced by pre-existing cells.

12 Think-Pair-Share Explain why a cell is considered the basic unit of life. Support your answer using evidence from today’s notes. First, silently and independently 1 minute

13 Draw-Pair-Share First, silently and independently for 3 minutes

14 EOC Practice (white board challenge) You and your partner will have one minute to decide the answer. Chose your answer, then write the explanation Put the cap back on the marker This is a challenge! So you don’t want anyone else seeing your answer before the time. When I say 3,2,1… white boards up, have one partner hold your whiteboard in the air with pride!

15 EOC Practice Question –White Boards In a biology lab, students did an experiment to study how the mass of a piece of potato in the shape of a cube changed. They determined the mass of the cube, placed the cube in a 10% salt solution, and measured the mass of the cube again. Which piece of equipment did the students use to measure the mass of the potato cube? Explain your answer. A. Beaker B. Balance C. Test tube D. Metric ruler

16 Read & Annotate the Article using Catch C: circle any unknown words A: ask questions of the text (in the margins) T: talk to the text (in the margins) C: capture the main idea (box it) H: highlight/underline supporting details A random question will be checked for a grade so make sure you are working. Use complete sentences when answering the questions!

17 Homework Research the scientist that discovered cells and the different types of cells. Write a paragraph detailing how and what they discovered. Needs to be at least 5 sentences!

18 Exit Ticket 1.Make sure to put your name! 2.Silently & independently! 3.5 minutes…. 4.We will practice our exit procedure on the way out!

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