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C LICKERS IN THE C LASSROOM eInstruction Classroom Performance Systems (CPS)

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Presentation on theme: "C LICKERS IN THE C LASSROOM eInstruction Classroom Performance Systems (CPS)"— Presentation transcript:

1 C LICKERS IN THE C LASSROOM eInstruction Classroom Performance Systems (CPS)

2 Objectives  Why use clickers?  CPS Capabilities  Demonstration  Instructions for using clickers  Implementation of clicker questions/slides  Recommendations for getting started  Positive/Negative feedback  Conclusions

3 Why use clickers?  Increase student participation and interaction  Continuous assessment of student comprehension  Reinforce student preparation for class  Readings  Homework assignments  Track attendance and participation

4 Why use clickers?  Allow for semi-anonymous student responses  You track the student responses  Students don’t know how other classmates responded  Allow for truly anonymous student responses  You don’t know how each student responded, only that they responded to the question

5 Why use clickers?  We ask what we think they should know  If they don’t do well, whose fault is it?  A few – lazy, absent, unprepared, or low-skill  Several – misconceptions or confusion?  A lot – That’s our problem!  We want to fix misconceptions immediately  Don’t end a class unit with outstanding issues

6 CPS Capabilities  Take attendance  Classroom participation & engagement  Poll students anonymously  Administer quizzes and exams  Ask impromptu questions in class  Export data directly to excel spreadsheets  Call on students at random in class

7 Demonstration  Press the “Power/Join” button  Watch the display screen:  Serial Number (appears first)  Pad Number (upper left hand corner)  Battery Strength icon (right-center)

8 Brief overview of CPS Instruction. How does it work?  The instructor poses a question  The students respond via their response cards  The data is captured by a receiver  The data is stored on the computer

9 Brief overview of CPS Instruction. The students respond…  Students are encouraged to stay focused on the lecture  This can be used as a springboard for collaborative learning  Instant feedback lets the students and the instructor know if concepts have been learned.

10 Instructions for Answering Questions  Make sure the clicker is powered on.  Press the corresponding letter and press send.  Your Pad Number should highlight on the screen indicating that you answered the question.  To change your answer, press the corresponding letter and press send. Your Pad Number will flash:  Green: Answer changed  Yellow: Same answer submitted  Red w/ X: Invalid answer choice

11 I have used some type of clicker in my classroom.  Strongly Agree  Agree  Disagree  Strongly Disagree

12 Our Vision is for us to become a model for ___________ in education on the local, state, national, and international levels  greatness  excellence  teaching  craziness

13 Everyone can learn.  True  False

14 PLC stands for __________________.  Professional Learning Community.  Professionals Learning to Collaborate.  Please Leave Class.  Professional learning Class.

15 The teacher evaluation system that replaced PEPE is called _____________.  Atkins Action Plan for Alabama  Robin’s Master Plan  Educate Alabama  Educate the World

16 DNA: Protein just as Words:  Garbage  Language  Letters  Sentences

17 I would like to attend a more in-depth training on how to use clickers in my classroom.  Yes  No

18 Using the slides  You get idea of how well each Q went  You see what wrong ideas were there  Students self-assess against their peer’s abilities  You can give immediate feedback  Optional: Include slides with worked solutions  … but might be better to do on board as needed

19 How do I implement clickers into my class? 1. Install einstruction software on your computer.einstruction software  Classroom performance systems  CPS for PowerPoint. 2. Write your questions in cps for PowerPoint. 3. Assign each student a clicker. 4. Pass out the clickers to the class. 5. Open your presentation in CPS for PowerPoint. 6. Students’ responses are sent to the receiver (USB port). 7. Display the results.

20 Recommendations for getting started  In-depth clicker training (Other than this session)  Observe a class that uses clickers  Download cps software from eInstruction  Practice, practice, practice

21 Positive Feedback  Promotes active learning  Encourages ALL students to participate  Adapt instruction based on feedback  Explain a concept more thoroughly  Promote discussion  Move on to the next topic  Student feedback: anonymous or indentified  Create individual reports for students.

22 Negative feedback  Takes up a lot of class time.  Cost. ( Only one set for the entire school)  Learning how to use them.  Potential technology issues.  Students freak out if their clicker stops working!

23 Conclusions  Clickers require time and dedication for effective use in the classroom  Plan to use them well in advance.  Prepare your slides to incorporate clicker questions  Follow a consistent process when using clicker slides  Inform students that clickers will be part of your lesson.

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