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13.2 Clicker Quiz By: Rachel, Rachel, Joan. Which empire sacked Rome in 846? 1.The Chinese 2.Muslims 3.Nazi Empire 4.The Roman Empire.

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Presentation on theme: "13.2 Clicker Quiz By: Rachel, Rachel, Joan. Which empire sacked Rome in 846? 1.The Chinese 2.Muslims 3.Nazi Empire 4.The Roman Empire."— Presentation transcript:

1 13.2 Clicker Quiz By: Rachel, Rachel, Joan

2 Which empire sacked Rome in 846? 1.The Chinese 2.Muslims 3.Nazi Empire 4.The Roman Empire

3 What obligations did a peasant have to the lord of the manor? 1.Daily foot massages 2.Monthly Rent Fee 3.Care for his animals 4.Daily Home- Cooked Gourmet Meals

4 How was social class determined? 1.Blood relations 2.A game of rock- paper-scissors 3.A boxing match 4.Wealth 5.State exam

5 What is a tithe? 1.Teeth dentures 2.Nun’s Headress 3.Church tax 4.Jeggings 5.An early form of the bra

6 What time is it? 1.Hammer time! Da nana can’t touch this 2.TTTTTTTTTTT Shirt Tiiiiimeee!!! 3.GAME TIME! FOOTBALL! 212!!!!! 4.Get your own watch.

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