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Note: Chapter 11 will not be covered on the In-class test only on the multiple choice. (because the Monday Recitation will not have met.) Test 3 will cover.

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Presentation on theme: "Note: Chapter 11 will not be covered on the In-class test only on the multiple choice. (because the Monday Recitation will not have met.) Test 3 will cover."— Presentation transcript:

1 Note: Chapter 11 will not be covered on the In-class test only on the multiple choice. (because the Monday Recitation will not have met.) Test 3 will cover the following sections. Chapter 8: Sections 4,5,6,7,8 (Skip 9) Chapter 9: Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, (Skip 5, 6, 7) Chapter 10 Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12 (Skip 5, 13, 14) *Chapter 11: Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, (Skip 10, 14, 15, 16) * Not covered by in-class test. Multiple choice test will cover Ch. 11 with emphasis. The equation list for test 3 is on page 4. It is a fairly complete list of all of the equations we have covered so far. Some of the equations and constants listed do not apply to the test material. I may add to this. The equation list on page 5 is a tentative list for the exam. I may add to this. The equation list on the page 4 will be provided with the in-class test and in the Testing and Tutoring Center. If you are not given an equation list in the Testing and Tutoring Center, it is your responsibility to ask for it. Please be on time for the test. Students arriving late are not guaranteed extra time. If you arrive more than 10 minutes late, I will attempt to give you missed time minus 10 minutes. Those arriving in the first 10 minutes after the start time, will be given no additional time. Those arriving after students have started to leave will not be permitted to take the test. Please bring a photo ID. Test 3 – Nov. 22, 2010

2 Multiple Choice Test 3 Testing and Tutoring Center 2010 Schedule November 22 and 23: Test 3 MC available for both classes Thanksgiving holiday – test not available November 29: Test 3 MC again available for both classes. Dec. 3: Test 3 MC not available to 10:30am class Dec 3: Test 3 MC deadline for 9:30am class Dec 4: Test 3 MC deadline for 10:30am class

3 If you write part of your answers somewhere other than the area provided for the answer, you must direct the grader to that point. Please take any scratch paper with you unless it has part of your answers. Make sure your name is on any scratch paper you hand in. No calculators with physics formulas or wireless capabilities. Tests will not be passed out until all notes and papers are in book bags on the floor. The test is due on my desk at 17 minutes after the hour. If you don’t stop writing when told, your test is late. Late tests will be penalized at least 2%. During the in-class test you may record your answers on scratch paper, which I will provide. Students who take the test in the wrong section will be penalized. I plan to check photo ID’s this time

4 Notes on coverage by old tests 2006 same as this test 2007 summer same as this test but includes Ch 12 2007 same as this test 2008 summer – same as this test but only partial coverage of Ch 10 and also includes Ch 12 2008 same as this test but includes Ch 12 2009 summer Ch 8, 9, 11, 12, 13 2009 Ch 8, 9, 11, 12 2010 summer Ch 8, 9, 11, 12, 13 Things to study for conceptual questions are: Multiple choice questions on old tests I>Clicker questions Questions at the end of each chapter MasteringPhysics tutorials Things to study for in-class problem Test1 on Sept 29: Recitation assignments Old Tests Problems worked in class Examples worked in book Other problems in book Test will be similar to last year’s test1 – three problems.

5 Atmospheric Pressure = 1.01 x 10 5 Pa Boltzman Constant k = 1.38 x 10 -23 J/K Stefan-Boltzmann Constant σ = 5.67x10 -8 W / m 2 K 4 Ideal Gas Law Constant R = 8.314 J/mol K Avogadros’ Number N a = 6.022 x 10 23 particles/mol Intensity at threshold of hearing = 1.0x10 -12 watts/m 2 Kelvin = 0 C + 273 Density of water = 1.0x10 3 kg /m 3 Density of air = 1.29 kg /m 3 Area inside a circle =  r 2 Acceleration due to gravity = 9.80 m/s 2 1 liter = 1.00X10 -3 m 3

6 Atmospheric Pressure = 1.01 x 10 5 Pa Boltzman Constant k = 1.38 x 10 -23 J/K Stefan-Boltzmann Constant σ = 5.67x10 -8 W / m 2 K 4 Ideal Gas Law Constant R = 8.314 J/mol K Avogadros’ Number N a = 6.022 x 10 23 particles/mol Intensity at threshold of hearing = 1.0x10 -12 watts/m 2 Kelvin = 0 C + 273 Density of water = 1.0x10 3 kg /m 3 Density of air = 1.29 kg /m 3 Area inside a circle =  r 2 Acceleration due to gravity = 9.80 m/s 2 1 liter = 1.00X10 -3 m 3

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