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Psyc&100 - General Psychology. What we will look at today Course website & syllabus Items you will need for the course Why we use clickers How to register.

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Presentation on theme: "Psyc&100 - General Psychology. What we will look at today Course website & syllabus Items you will need for the course Why we use clickers How to register."— Presentation transcript:

1 Psyc&100 - General Psychology

2 What we will look at today Course website & syllabus Items you will need for the course Why we use clickers How to register your i>Clicker+ How to prepare for each class What class time is














16 Video

17 3-Consciousness video

18 Folder Activity

19 Folder activity Part 1. Your choice of topic (One paragraph)

20 Your choice of topics Folder activity Part 2. Your choice of article (One paragraph)

21 LaunchPad Videos & Quizzes


23 Video Quiz Psychology LaunchPad

24 Concept Quiz Psychology LaunchPad

25 Why do we use clickers?

26 Much educational research shows clickers produce: Better learning More active, engaged learning More spirited class discussion Allows anonymous input More focus on topics you feel you need help with Students like them


28 How will clickers help you? Credit for participating in class Credit for being prepared for class More fun with interactive learning Better understanding of the material More in-depth discussions More student-Instructor & student-student interaction Better grades

29 Bring your clickers to class each day We need them for: – Choosing answers to application questions – Participation points No working clicker = no points – The Syllabus quiz = 5 extra credit points Makes up for missed clickers, unable to attend etc.

30 How to register your i>Clicker remote



33 You have registered your i>Clicker !!

34 What class time is …and is not The “Guide by the side” Not “The sage on the stage” Helping you understand the material Not just giving you the material

35 More thisNot this

36 Preparation for class Listen to the video for today’s chapter before attending class. – If you don’t you will not know what you need help with. Complete the folder activity – Get a stamp – Basis for discussion Bring your clicker – Participation credit

37 What class time is … Applying the concepts: (Clickers are used to select choices)

38 What class time is … Discussing Psychological topics, current research, and critical thinking questions from folder activities

39 Exam review class: Finding what you need help with – After you have listened to the online video Discussing what you need help with (Clickers are used to select choices)

40 Taking exams Exams (all multiple choice) are taken online You may use all the study items during the exam

41 What this class time is not… Listening to lectures – This is done before the class

42 Grades 200 pts. = 4 Exams - 50pts. @ 50 pts. = Psyc. Launchpad 50 pts. = Participation (Clickers & folder) 50 Pts.






48 This class is for you if … You want active learning in class You want a say in what is covered in class You want a class based on – Student-student discussion – Student-instructor discussion – Critical thinking questions – Credit for participating

49 Welcome to the class!! We will have fun!!

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