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Portland, Oregon Arnold Engelmann - GIS Programmer/Analyst

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Presentation on theme: "Portland, Oregon Arnold Engelmann - GIS Programmer/Analyst"— Presentation transcript:

1 Portland, Oregon Arnold Engelmann - GIS Programmer/Analyst

2 DHI Temporal Analyst

3 Introduction Temporal Analyst  3 Components  MIKE Objects TimeSeries Package  Development Environment  TimeSeries Objects  TimeSeries Bridges  Analysis (Math)  Methods  Geodatabase - Data Model  Storage of TimeSeries Properties and/or data values  ArcMap Extension - Graphical User Interface  Access to commands and data

4 MIKE Object TimeSeries TS Object TS Editor Timeseries file Data Access Bridges dfs ASCII GDB XML TS PlotTS Tabular TS Toolbox Transform ExtrapolateResample Double Mass Gap Filling Arc Hydro Excel DHI TimeSeries

5 Managing Time Series Data  Data Model provides for two means of storing Time Series Data  Local  Registered as an unique time series object in the geodatabase  Data written to the geodatabase  Remote  Registered as an unique time series object in the geodatabase  Retained in its native format  Use Data Access Bridges for accessing  Accessible from the model DHI TimeSeries

6 Temporal Analyst Managing Access to TimeSeries Data ASCII Spreadsheets dfs0 Geodatabase

7 Excel MIKE 11 Arc Hydro Temporal Analyst ArcIMS TimeSeries Package Data Access Bridges MIKE Objects Geodatabase dfs0

8 Temporal Analyst Managing TimeSeries with a Geodatabase

9 TimeSeries Data Model DHI TimeSeries Every time series is uniquely identified A time series can be associated to zero or many features Every feature can have many time series of the same type associated to it

10 ArcMap GUI Temporal Analyst Top Level Geodatabase Collection Time Series  Provides Functionality at 4 Levels inside the Table of Contents  Feature Associations  Data Frame Functionality DataFrameFunctionality FeatureAssociation

11 Managing Time Series Data  Data Model provides for thematic organization of Time Series data  Groups  All time series data are in a group  Uses the “NoGroup” as default  Allows for any combination of time series data  Allows for any number of time series objects  Forms a collection  The combination of data types limits the functionality at the Collection level DHI TimeSeries

12 Geodatabase - View by: Temporal Analyst

13 Geodatabase - View by: Temporal Analyst

14 Functionality  Management, Data Access and Analysis  Plots  Properties  Statistics  Analysis  CalculateDistributionMonthly Reports  Convert Value TypeCumulative DistributionData Coverage  CombineDouble Mass Curve  Evaluate to ScalarDouble Scatter Curve  Gap FillDuration Curve  Monthly to DailyStatistics Temporal Analyst

15 TimeSeries - Plot Temporal Analyst

16 Feature Association Temporal Analyst

17 Select Features Temporal Analyst

18 Collection - Add to TimeSeries Analysis Temporal Analyst

19 Collection - Add to TimeSeries Analysis Temporal Analyst

20 Evaluate to a Scalar Temporal Analyst

21 TimeSeries Calculator Temporal Analyst

22 Integration with ArcToolbox MIKE Object TimeSeries Tools for ArcToolbox

23 Integrating Modeling into GIS MIKE Object TimeSeries Tools for ArcToolbox

24 DHI GIS Products Previously Released  MIKE 11 GIS  MIKE BASIN  MIKE Info Land & Water  Flood Watch  MIKE SHE GIS  MIKE Info Coast

25 DHI Products Release 2005  MIKE URBAN  Temporal Analyst  MIKE BASIN  Flood Watch  GeoModel  Marine GIS

26 Introducing MIKE Basin 2005

27 Concept MIKE Basin

28 Water Resource / Water Allocation Model  Routes water down stream  Rules define how the water is routed  Which water user has priority  Diversions - by absolute or relative amount  Reservoirs store water  Groundwater exchange  Water quality calculations (decay) MIKE Basin

29 Inputs from Catchments or Groundwater Pumps MIKE Basin - Inputs

30 Rainfall Runoff - MIKE 11 NAM option MIKE Basin - Inputs

31 Implements a Load Calculation MIKE Basin - Inputs

32 Network MIKE Basin - Setup

33 Water Users MIKE Basin - Setup

34 Links

35 Reservoirs

36 Access TimeSeries MIKE Basin - Setup

37 Nodes and Branches MIKE Basin - Results

38 MIKE Marine GIS TimeSeries

39 Dfs1 Files - Profiles

40 MIKE Marine GIS Dfs2 Files - Grids

41 MIKE Marine GIS Sediment Budget and Coastline Evolution Generate profile of Sediment Transport

42 Rainfall Runoff inside of ArcMap Alameda County


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