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2011-12 ICAN Monthly Milestone Reports North Carolina Independent Colleges & Universities.

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Presentation on theme: "2011-12 ICAN Monthly Milestone Reports North Carolina Independent Colleges & Universities."— Presentation transcript:

1 2011-12 ICAN Monthly Milestone Reports North Carolina Independent Colleges & Universities

2 ICAN Monthly Milestone Reports Go to: ICAN Web Reports and log on using the email address and the password that you set up when you applied for your ICAN Sub-Award. This will take you to the “Dashboard Screen.”ICAN Web Reports  If you have forgotten you password, please click on the “Forgot your Password?” link.  New users - An account has been created for you. Please use your email address and last name (which is case-sensitive) to log in. New users should change their password once they have logged in.

3 ICAN Monthly Milestone Reports From the Dashboard Screen : Click on the link under the “Status” heading (circled in red below)  Note – in the example listed below, the status is complete; however, the status will be listed as incomplete until you have completed & submitted your report.  New Users should click on the “Welcome … ” link (highlighted in yellow, circled in green) to change their passwords. This will open a new window. The fields to change your password are at the bottom of the page. Select “Save” to return to the previous screen.

4 ICAN Monthly Milestone Reports From the Follow-up Page : Enter Requested Information, beginning with Institution Name, which you will select from a drop-down list.  Note – Some fields have been pre-populated by the Grant Lifecycle Manager (GLM) software, e.g., Contact Information, Due Date, & Project Name.

5 ICAN Monthly Milestone Reports From the Follow-up Page : Please write a brief summary of the activities held during the past month (e.g., planning meetings, program events, etc.).

6 ICAN Monthly Milestone Reports From the Follow-up Page : Then enter the methods used to document the activities that occurred in the past month as well as any evaluation measures in the “Documentation & Evaluation” section.

7 ICAN Monthly Milestone Reports From the Follow-up Page : If expenses were incurred by the program in the previous month, please enter the total amount in the “Expenditures” section.

8 ICAN Monthly Milestone Reports From the Follow-up Page: Enter the current balance, which is your award amount minus your expenditures, in the “Balance” section and click the “Submit Form” button. This will open a “Confirmation” page.  Note – You also have the option of clicking the “Save as Draft” button, which will allow you to leave this page, return, and submit it at a later time.

9 ICAN Monthly Milestone Reports On the Confirmation Page: Please click on the “Continue” button. This will take you back to the dashboard screen (where you started).

10 ICAN Monthly Milestone Reports From the Dashboard Screen : Please click on the “Log Off” link and close your browser.

11 Congratulations! You’ve completed your first 2011-12 Monthly Milestones Report Please contact us at or (919) 832-5817 if you have any questions or

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