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© 2008 Goldman Environmental Consultants Greenhouse Gas Reductions: Challenges in Determining What is Real Henry Balikov Vice President Goldman Environmental.

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Presentation on theme: "© 2008 Goldman Environmental Consultants Greenhouse Gas Reductions: Challenges in Determining What is Real Henry Balikov Vice President Goldman Environmental."— Presentation transcript:

1 © 2008 Goldman Environmental Consultants Greenhouse Gas Reductions: Challenges in Determining What is Real Henry Balikov Vice President Goldman Environmental Consultants NEPS – Baltimore 2008

2 As Chair of the Auditing Roundtable’s focus on Climate Change and GHG issues, I want to thank my fellow AR members and the experts we have assembled for their input to this presentation. We expect to play a continuing role in protocol development and the standards for those who audit carbon footprints and credits.

3 3 The Coming Tide of Climate Change No federal regulation until 2010 at earliest with the current Warner-Lieberman Bill an indication of what is to come. States and Regions are the current focus RGGI Western Climate Initiative A little-known rider to a December 2007 Omnibus bill is allowing EPA to start collecting GHG information through a climate registry.

4 4

5 Greenhouse Gas Challenges Our “Regional” Approach to GHG

6 Greenhouse Gas Sources What does this chart tell us?

7 © 2007 Goldman Environmental Consulting. All rights reserved. Page Is the GHG problem already solved ?

8 © 2007 Goldman Environmental Consulting. All rights reserved. Page Or this this the unavoidable alternative?

9 GHG Motivation Mitigate business risk and uncertainty Capitalize on the benefits of quantifying GHG footprint Addressing pressure to accurately account for GHGs

10 GHG Motivation: Mitigate Business Risk & Uncertainty Evaluate, influence, anticipate GHG policy/regulations Develop multi-pollutant emission strategies Improve near-term and long-term decisions

11 GHG Motivation: Capitalize on the Benefits of Quantifying GHG Footprint Establish baseline to take credit for early reduction Recognition for implementing best management practices Garner positive press and brand image

12 GHG Motivation - Addressing Pressure to Accurately Account for GHGs Financial interests Customers Voluntary organizations Regulators

13 GHG Temptation – “Greenwashing”

14 Greenwashing’s Many Guises Looking just one or two products or services, instead of at the whole organization The truth in advertising: not whole truth, and not nothing but the truth Lack of transparency

15 Carbon Credits & Markets Carbon markets are fragmented and appropriate quality varies as is reflected in these Program Standards CDM/JI – Considered highest standard to date Gold Standard – Closely follows CDM for voluntary markets VCS – Just launched, looking to bring more structure and transparency

16 Tracking and Verifying GHGs The scope of data being verified (e.g., GHG emissions from a company’s worldwide operations); The types of data to gather (e.g., measured GHG emissions data, data on the level of activities that cause emissions, and emission factors for translating the activity data into GHG emissions); and The range of tests to be performed to confirm the validity of the information (e.g., recalculation of emissions estimates).

17 Verification Requires Many Skills Combination of Skills relating to:  Air Quality / Emission Inventory Auditing  Direct Measurement (CEM)  Calculations (Mole Balance, Emission Factors, Surrogate Parameters)  Historic Extrapolation (limited)  Process Engineering  Electric Power Generation & Transmission, Refineries, Gas and Chemical Manufacturing, Co- generation, Commercial Agriculture, Steel, Cement  Financial Auditing  Life Cycle Analysis

18 Restricting Offsets To have a system that really works, offsets must: Result from actions taken on or after a date certain; Be real, demonstrable and quantifiable; Not be required by law; Have clearly established ownership; Be counted only once for compliance purposes; Be verified by a qualified third party; and Have occurred in an agreed upon geographic area

19 19 The Coming Tide of Climate Change We are in a period of apparent uncertainty There will be some great opportunities and significant resource demands associated with the changes taking place. This is the time to start assessing: What direction do we want to head? What is our overall plan for getting there? What should we do first?

20 20 Questions now or later 856.296.5230 Henry Balikov, VP Goldman Environmental Consultants, Inc. 228 N. Church Street Moorestown, NJ 08057

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