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1 English Wednesday (20 Oct, 10) Cosmetic Surgery ( 整容手術 )

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Presentation on theme: "1 English Wednesday (20 Oct, 10) Cosmetic Surgery ( 整容手術 )"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 English Wednesday (20 Oct, 10) Cosmetic Surgery ( 整容手術 )

2 2 Cosmetic surgery = plastic surgery = 整容手術 go under the knife = 做手術

3 3 Plastic surgery … is a medical specialty ( 醫學專科 ) concerns t he correction or restoration of form and function ( 改善及復修形體 ) includes many types of reconstructive surgery, hand surgery, microsurgery ( 顯 微手術 ), and the treatment of burns ( 燒 傷 ).

4 4 New phenomenon People go under the knife because they want to make themselves look better

5 5 Uplift eyelids Implant nose ( 隆鼻 ) Implant chin ( 隆下巴 )

6 6 Liposuction ( 抽脂 )

7 7 Breast augmentation ( 隆胸 )

8 8 Why do people go under the life? Good looks bring success ( 成功 ) Boost self-confidence ( 增加自信心 ) Affected by the mass media ( 受傳媒影 響 )

9 9 Will you undergo the surgery? No. It ’ s dangerous  sequela ( 後遺症 ) Change fashion style, hair style, makeup style and even walking posture ( 走路姿勢 ) to improve appearance instead.

10 10 Will you undergo the surgery? No.Be thankful for our uniqueness. There ’ s no universal definition of beauty. Be grateful for what we possess as we are able-bodied.

11 11 Artificial beauty ( 人工美 ) natural beauty ( 自然美 ) inner beauty( 內在美 ) What does a wise boss and husband look for? Inner beauty ( 內在美 ) is worth developing.

12 12 The end

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