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The EPIKH Project (Exchange Programme to advance e-Infrastructure Know-How) The EPIKH Project Riccardo Rotondo

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Presentation on theme: "The EPIKH Project (Exchange Programme to advance e-Infrastructure Know-How) The EPIKH Project Riccardo Rotondo"— Presentation transcript:

1 The EPIKH Project (Exchange Programme to advance e-Infrastructure Know-How) The EPIKH Project Riccardo Rotondo ( Consortium GARR Joint CHAIN/EPIKH School for Application Porting to Science Gateways Beijing, 12.04.2012 Portlet Develop Introduction Beijing, Asia 4, 12.04.2012 1

2 Outline Portlet Introduction; Porlet Life Cycle; Porlet Method Interface; Action Request Render Request Beijing, Asia 4, 12.04.2012 2

3 What is Porltet ? Defined in the Java Specification Request (JSR 168/286) A porlet is a web component able to set a frame portion of a web page. Differently from Servlet it needs a Porltlet Container to allow the user to interact with it. Standard Porltet can be deployed in any Porlet Container in case they will use standard libray. Beijing, Asia 4, 12.04.2012 3

4 Porlet Life Cycle Beijing, Asia 4, 12.04.2012 4 End of Services? NOYES

5 Porltlet Interface Method Class GenericPortlets { init (PortletConfig); processAction (ActionRequest, ActionResponse); render (RenderRequest, RenderResponse); destroy(); doView (Request, Response); doEdit (Reuqest, Response); doHelp (Request, Response); } Beijing, Asia 4, 12.04.2012 5

6 Portlet Mode A porltet works in three different states. View Mode: generate a markup ( a portion of a web page); Edit Mode: allow portlet customisation and setting preferences. Help Mode: explains portlet functionalities. Beijing, Asia 4, 12.04.2012 6

7 doEdit() Action Request Beijing, Asia 4, 12.04.2012 7 Action Request processAction() Render Request view.jsp doView() edit.jsp Action Request processAction() Render Request edit.jsp view.jsp

8 Render Request Beijing, Asia 4, 12.04.2012 8 Render Request view.jsp doView() view2.jsp

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