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The CMS Electromagnetic Calorimeter at the LHC
Introduction Calorimeter design Construction and installation Calibration Conclusions D J A Cockerill on behalf of the CMS ECAL Group ICHEP D J A Cockerill - RAL
Compact Muon Solenoid CMS Weight 12,500t HCAL Muon chambers Tracker
Diameter m Length m Magnetic field T HCAL Muon chambers Tracker ECAL Located inside solenoid Design benchmark H (MH < 140 GeV/c2) Target resolution E/E ~0.5% for E>100GeV 3.8T solenoid Iron yoke ICHEP D J A Cockerill - RAL
Lead tungstate crystals
70% 425nm350nm 23cm 25.8Xo 22cm 24.7Xo 300nm 700nm Barrel crystal, tapered 34 types, ~2.6x2.6 cm2 at rear Endcap crystal, tapered 1 type, 3x3 cm2 at rear Emission spectrum (blue) and transmission curve Reasons for choice Homogeneous medium Fast light emission ~80% in 25 ns Short radiation length X0 = 0.89 cm Small Molière radius RM = 2.10 cm Emission peak nm Reasonable radiation resistance to very high doses Caveats LY temperature dependence -2.2%/OC Stabilise to 0.1OC Formation/decay of colour centres Need precise light monitoring system Low light yield (1.3% NaI) Need photodetectors with gain in magnetic field ICHEP D J A Cockerill - RAL
ECAL Layout Tapered crystals to provide off-pointing of ~ 3o from vertex Barrel crystals Pb/Si Endcap Preshower Endcap ‘Dee’ with ‘Supercrystals’ Barrel 36 Supermodules (18 per half barrel) crystals Total crystal mass 67.4t || < 1.48 x = x Endcaps 4 Dees (2 per endcap) crystals Total crystal mass 22.9t 1.48< || < 3 x = ↔ 0.052 Endcap Preshower Pb (2Xo,1Xo) / Si 4 Dees (2 per endcap) 4300 Si strips 1.8mm x 63mm 1.65< || < 2.6 ICHEP D J A Cockerill - RAL
Photodetectors Barrel Avalanche photodiodes(APD)
Two 5x5 mm2 APDs/crystal Gain QE ~75% Temperature dependence -2.4%/OC 40mm Endcaps Vacuum phototriodes(VPT) More radiation resistant than Si diodes - UV glass window - Active area ~ 280 mm2/crystal Gain (B=4T) - Q.E. ~20% at 420nm = 26.5 mm MESH ANODE ICHEP D J A Cockerill - RAL
Barrel mean noise 41.5 MeV per channel
Electronics Front End card (FE) Barrel Fibre optic readout at 800MHz to off detector electronics Very Front End cards (VFE) On detector readout Organised around units of 25 (5x5) crystals Electronics in radiation tolerant 0.25 m CMOS Barrel mean noise 41.5 MeV per channel Off detector Trigger Concentrator Cards (TCCs) receive FE card trigger primitives TCCs send trigger tower energy sums to Regional Calorimeter Trigger (RCT) at 40MHz Data Concentrator Card (DCC) reads FE data and TCC information upon L1 accept Performs data reduction and transfers to DAQ Multi Gain Preamp (MGPA) with 3 gain ranges Digitisation by 12 bit ADC AD41240 at 40MHz FE card sends ‘trigger primitive’ transverse energy sums at 40MHz to the counting room FE card sends data upon L1 accept ICHEP D J A Cockerill - RAL
Laser light monitoring system
Colour centres These form in PbWO4 under irradiation Partial recovery occurs in a few hours Damage and recovery during LHC cycles tracked with a laser monitoring system 2 wavelengths: 440 nm and 796 nm 0.15% 1% Light injected into each crystal using quartz fibres, via the front (Barrel) or rear (Endcap) Laser pulse to pulse variations followed with pn diodes to 0.1% Normalise calorimeter data to the measured changes in transparency Black: during irradiation Red: after normalisation Electron signal in crystal versus time (h) ICHEP D J A Cockerill - RAL
CMS Barrel ECAL Submodule10 crystals Module 400/500 crystals
A “naked” Supermodule with 1700 crystals Laser monitoring fibres inserted to front of each xtal Electronics and cooling installed Installation of the last SM into the first half of EB EB installation in CMS complete channels, 27 July 2007 ICHEP D J A Cockerill - RAL
Barrel - commissioning
EB EB+ Commissioning The 36 Supermodules of the Barrel ECAL have been fully integrated into the trigger and readout chain of CMS The detector has participated in several months of CMS cosmic runs and has recorded millions of cosmic ray events The commissioning has been extremely important for debugging the trigger and data paths and for timing in the trigger primitives CMS is now able to trigger with the full Barrel ECAL Presence of the main shaft Top SMs Bottom SMs A plot of over 3.2 million hits in the Barrel ECAL from cosmic ray triggered events in CMS ICHEP D J A Cockerill - RAL
Barrel - commissioning
Energy 250 – 300 GeV A cosmic ray event in CMS involving the Barrel ECAL and Muon Drift Tubes A dramatic cosmic ray muon bremstrahlung in the Barrel ECAL ICHEP D J A Cockerill - RAL
CMS Endcap ECAL Supercrystal (SC) 25 crystals/VPTs
SC assy jig EE crystals SC assy jig VPT HV cards Supercrystal mounting on a Dee backplate Cooling, electronics & optical readout mounted A completed Dee with all Supercrystals ICHEP D J A Cockerill - RAL
Dee1 lowering and rotation 19 July 08
CMS Endcap ECAL Dee1 lowering and rotation 19 July 08 Dee1 mounting on HE 22 July 08 Dee2 mounting on HE 24 July 08 ICHEP D J A Cockerill - RAL
Preshower detector Motivation: Improved 0/ discrimination Rapidity coverage: < || < 2.6 (End caps) 2 orthogonal planes of Si strip detectors behind 2 X0 and 1 X0 Pb respectively Strip pitch: 1.9 mm (63 mm long) Area: 16.5 m2 (4300 detectors, 1.4 x105channels) High radiation levels, dose after 10 yrs: 2 x 1014 n/cm2, 60 kGy => operate at -10oC A micromodule with its silicon sensor (32 channels) 90% of micromodules have been produced The first full Dee absorber with a complete complement of sensors 63mm Preshower installation expected during winter shutdown 2008/9 ICHEP D J A Cockerill - RAL
Energy resolution Stochastic term Constant term Noise term Barrel Barrel Energy resolution for electrons as a function of energy Data folded in from 25 3x3 arrays from a trigger tower of 25 crystals, using common intercalibration constants Electrons centrally (4mmx4mm) incident on the crystals LH plot CMS DN-2007/020 Seez et al page 10 Fig 12 RH plot NOTE2006_148 Adzic et al page 15 Fig 16 Energy resolution at 120 GeV Incident electrons from a 20x20mm2 trigger. Energy sum over 5x5 array centred on the hit crystal. Universal position correction function for the reconstructed energy applied Resolution 0.44% ICHEP D J A Cockerill - RAL
Beam and Cosmic Muon pre-calibration
All 36 SM exposed to cosmic ray muons for ~1 week 7 SM also exposed to electrons at test beam Compare intercalibration results at test beam with those from cosmic ray muons σ = 1.55% Event: Cry: 168 Calibration coefficients from cosmic muons versus those from the test beam for 7 supermodules Muon and test beam data will provide initial intercalibration coefficients in CMS to better than ~2% with muons for 28 SM and to ~0.3% with beam for 8 SM for the Barrel ECAL Mip deposits ~250MeV (increase APD gain from 50 to 200) ICHEP D J A Cockerill - RAL
0 resonance, Barrel ECAL 2006 test beam
In-situ Calibration Intercalibration precision at startup: Barrel ECAL <2% (0.3% in ¼ of EB) Endcap ECAL 15% Startup (inter)calibrations Rely on “fast” intercalibration procedures “Daily” -symmetry and 0 calibrations (L= cm-2s-1) Exploit EB precalibration for validation and tuning Quickly improve EE intercalibration accuracy 0 resonance, Barrel ECAL test beam (Inter)calibrations in the long term Exploit isolated electrons Zee useful at startup after O(10 pb-1) Calibration of electron scale with Zee Calibration of photon scale with Z ICHEP D J A Cockerill - RAL
CMS ECAL conclusions The high resolution CMS ECAL is near to completion Barrel ECAL fully installed and commissioned Endcap ECAL Dees 1, 2 and 3 installed, Dee 4 installed by end this week Pre-shower detector installation in winter shutdown Test beam studies with 9 SMs have demonstrated excellent performance All barrel channels intercalibrated to better than 2% The Barrel ECAL has been commissioned and integrated into CMS The Barrel ECAL participates in CMS global trigger and data taking ECAL calibration strategies in place for LHC startup ICHEP D J A Cockerill - RAL
Spares ICHEP D J A Cockerill - RAL
ECAL design objectives
High resolution electromagnetic calorimetry central to CMS design Benchmark process: H m / m = 0.5 [E1/ E1 E2/ E2 / tan( / 2 )] with resolution E / E = a / E b c/ E Aims (TDR) Barrel End cap a stochastic term 2.7% % p.e. stat, shower fluct, photo-detector, lateral leakage b constant term % % non-uniformities, inter-calibration, longitudinal leakage c noise low L MeV MeV high L MeV MeV Fig 2.1 Physics TDR Results from Fig 2.10 Physics TDR A H event in CMS with MH=120GeV Electronics, pileup Monte Carlo analyses: 5σ discovery potential for 115<MH<140GeV with fb-1 ICHEP D J A Cockerill - RAL
Off-Detector electronics
TTC Trigger and Timing Card TTS Trigger Throttling System mFEC mezzanine Front End Controller card (connects to FE card via token ring) SLB Synchronisation and Link Board mezzanine Clock & Control System Card (CCS) Selective Readout Processor (SRP) Trigger Concentrator Card (TCC) Data Concentrator Card (DCC) ICHEP D J A Cockerill - RAL
π0 Calibration Concept p0 Calibration Data after L1 Trigger
Online Farm p0 Calibration >10 kHz ~1 kHz Level 1 trigger rate dominated by QCD: several π0s/event Useful π0γγ decays selected online from such events Main advantage: high π0 rate (nominal L1 rate is 100kHz !) “Design” calibration precision better than 0.5% Achieving it would be crucial for the Hγγ detection Studies performed with about four million fully simulated QCD events. Results given for the scenario of L=2x1033cm-2s-1 and L1 rate of 10 kHz. ICHEP D J A Cockerill - RAL
Calibration of CMS ECAL using π0γγ Decays
Barrel study at L=2x1033cm-2s-1 π0γγ rate of 1.5 kHz 2,100 π0/crystal/day, signal-to-background ≈ 2.0. Only hours to calibrate 95% of barrel. Exploit immediately after the startup! First Resonance Observed by CMS! (2006 Test beams) ICHEP D J A Cockerill - RAL 22
In-situ Calibration Strategy at startup – Phi symmetry
Rapid achievement of ~2% intercalibration symmetry of energy deposition ( intercalibration) in rings of crystals L1 triggers – single crystals, 1-6 GeV transverse energy (barrel) Precision (%) 2% 4% ****** NOT FINAL ****** Monte Carlo results using notional tracker material budget estimates only Barrel Eta Endcap Eta Blue – after a few hours of data taking, luminosity cm-2s-2 Red - after ~ 1 day of data taking Limit on precision due to tracker material etc ICHEP D J A Cockerill - RAL
Intercalibration from Laboratory Measurements
During assembly, all detector components are characterised Thus the relative calibration ci of each channel may be estimated: Where: LY is crystal light yield, M and eQ are gain and quantum efficiency of the photo-detectors cele is the calibration of the electronics chain Ratio: Test beam/Lab Test beam vs Lab Intercalibration s = 4.2% ICHEP D J A Cockerill - RAL
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