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PROGRAMME 4: FORESTRY Mr M PETER Director: Forestry Technical and Information Services.

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Presentation on theme: "PROGRAMME 4: FORESTRY Mr M PETER Director: Forestry Technical and Information Services."— Presentation transcript:

1 PROGRAMME 4: FORESTRY Mr M PETER Director: Forestry Technical and Information Services

2 DEPARTMENT: WATER AFFAIRS & FORESTRY Annual Report 2006/2007 FORESTRY Portfolio Committee: Water & Forestry October 2007

3 BROAD-BASED BLACK ECONOMIC EMPOWERMENT Target: Approved BBBEE charter developed and implemented in partnership with the sector

4 Achieved: Charter agreed with sector in March 2007 Progress on BBBEE Charter User Guide and companion document. Consultation schedule for Indaba in May 2007 prepared. Liaison with DEAT and SANParks to participate in the Charter Charter incorporates DTI/DWAF forestry growth and expansion initiatives

5 Challenges: Agreement and timeframes with other stakeholders and other departments in particular for implementation

6 Solutions: Charter launched in June 07 with companion document User guide being finalised to ensure timeframes are met by all departments including DWAF

7 ENTERPRISE DEVELOPMENT Target: Existing and potential economic opportunities developed to contribute to BBBEE

8 Achieved: Launched 7 new and supported other existing projects. 1266 participants in the projects (60% of whom are women) Developed business concept on eco- tourism potential at Ngome. Essential oils study to be finalized in the first quarter of 2007/8. Baseline study on Amathole and Thathe Vondo forest

9 The MoU for FED intervention between LIBSA, DWAF and FSA (Vhembe and Mopane small growers) Negotiated MoUs with IKSSA and SANBI (role of forests in supplying medicinal plants esp. RDB)

10 Challenges: Funding (securing and disbursing) for FED

11 Solutions: Secured R17m of R40m for Charter implementation DWAF has prioritised funding for this objective and the Charter in the next MTEF cycle Discussions with IDC (vehicle and augmentation)

12 AFFORESTATION Targets: Phase 2 Eastern Cape SEA completed Set of afforestation potential maps in final province Increased levels of community-based afforestation Time taken for processing SFRA licences reduced

13 Achieved: Finalised SEA in Eastern Cape. Prepared maps of forest resources for Premier of KZN. Initiated process to identify afforestation potential in other provinces. Afforestation maps produced for DMs in WMA 12 (EC). Eastern Cape government established Asgi-SA company to inter alia address new afforestation.

14 Applications received for 5500ha compared to 800ha in 2005 Licence application time decreasing in Eastern Cape

15 Challenges: Land tenure issues posing challenges in larger applications

16 Solutions: Held meeting with CD:RDM, NWRSP and Forestry to agree process to fast track licensing in catchments using the SEA where there is little concern about the reserve In constant discussion with RLCC on tenure issues as they relate to rentals too

17 SFM OF CAT B+C PLANTATIONS Targets: 20 % decrease in TUPs Fire damage limited to max of 1% of the estate Productivity increased by 5% Management of state plantations using C+Is for SFM

18 Achieved: 2843 ha or 18% decrease in TUP 5% increase in productivity Self-audits using C+Is done extensively on estates

19 Challenges: 51% vacancies Most vacancies are in management and general worker level Funding for rehabilitation Fire – due to loss of 9115 ha of plantations to fire the TUP increased

20 Solutions: R14m secured from savings in DWAF for refurbishment ToR established for development of an agency (not just for rehab)

21 TRANSFER OF STATE FORESTS Targets: Conclude stakeholder agreement for transfer of M+M Delegation or assignment agreements in place with relevant agents for natural forests Finalize release of land at St Lucia to Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife

22 Achieved: Agreement on M+M endorsed by stakeholders Assignment agreement and Presidential proclamations for EC and WC completed 98 000 ha released to Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife Over 450 000 ha released to SANParks

23 Challenges: Ensuring that the transfer of KLF maximises the BBBEE opportunities Payment of lease rentals Establishment of Trust

24 Solutions: Developed position paper on the future of KLF and SAFCOL to be included in the DPE strategy Continue to engage with relevant RLCC and DLA to ensure S42D settlement submissions Establish Trust

25 VELD AND FOREST FIRE MANAGEMENT Targets: Establishment of all FPAs in priority fire risk areas Veldfire management strategies effectively implemented by FPAs Capacity building for registered FPAs supported NVFFA compliance strategy implemented Negotiations cross border fires initiated

26 Achieved: Registered 80 FPAs and fire management implementation strategies Conducted M&E of 24 registered FPAs (NC,NW, EC,KZN and FS) Approximately 150 Stakeholders including FPOs, Chief Fire Officers and Local Government officials trained Several meetings to conclude MoUs with Mozambique, Swaziland and Lesotho and dates secured for meetings with Botswana and Namibia

27 Challenges: Technical problems with system NFDRS

28 Solutions: The USA was visited to discuss technical problems and CIO’s office assisting to solve the IT problems

29 Thank you

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