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RELIABLE? You Decide.... SOURCE 1 The Onion-Obama Doesn’t Love His Dog ):

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Presentation on theme: "RELIABLE? You Decide.... SOURCE 1 The Onion-Obama Doesn’t Love His Dog ):"— Presentation transcript:

1 RELIABLE? You Decide...

2 SOURCE 1 The Onion-Obama Doesn’t Love His Dog ):

3 NOT RELIABLE Made Up. Name of Website, Name of Video Explore Website, see other made up videos.

4 Source 2 Time Magazine-GIANT PANDA PEOPLE?!

5 RELIABLE Name sounds made up BUT Time magazine is a well respected news source. Specific, checkable facts included in report.

6 SOURCE 3 Pacific Tree Octopus

7 NOT RELIABLE Made up!! google pacific tree octopus...TREE OCTOPUS? really...

8 SOURCE 4 Boston Snow Farms

9 RELIABLE! New York Times is a well respected newspaper, with specific data and sources to back up claims.

10 SOURCE 5 Pregnant Man!

11 NOT RELIABLE! Made Up! Explore Hospital Website, the entire thing is made up. Research Pregnant man, find out the website is a prank...A PREGNANT MAN?!

12 SOURCE 6 Encyclopedia Britannica-Facebook

13 RELIABLE! Cite sources Widely accepted as a historically accurate and reliable source.

14 SOURCE 7 Wikipedia-Facebook

15 NOT RELIABLE! anyone can edit Wikipedia articles, without backing up their information using good sources and facts. HOWEVER: Wikipedia can be a good starting point because it can do a good job explaining broad concepts, and often provides links to better sources of information.

16 SOURCE 8 Famous Obama Video John McCain Maverick Video

17 NOT RELIABLE!! These are advertisements full of opinions. Designed to influence peoples OPINIONS. Bias.

18 SOURCE 9 Fact Checker

19 RELIABLE!! cites sources of information researchable information.

20 What makes a reliable source? Who wrote the source? Does the author have a specific motive? Is there Bias? Does the Author have first-hand experience in what he/she is writing about? Does the work contain references/cited works that back up what he/she is saying? Has the source been peer-reviewed? Fact vs. Opinion Sources with as much information as possible are preferred (where the facts came from, who the author is, when was it written) Things to consider when choosing Sources.

21 ONE MORE THING... Sometimes even reliable sources get things wrong...


23 So Remember... Always ALWAYS ALWAYS double check your information.


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