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Verb Tense -Present -Past -Future English Ms. Canfield.

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Presentation on theme: "Verb Tense -Present -Past -Future English Ms. Canfield."— Presentation transcript:

1 Verb Tense -Present -Past -Future English Ms. Canfield

2 Agreement Subjects and verbs must agree in three ways (1) Time  We have three primary times  PAST – has already happened - usually end with a -d or -ed  PRESENT – is currently happening  FUTURE – has not happened yet, but we anticipate it will happen - has to have a helping verb [example: will]

3 Agreement Subjects and verbs must agree in three ways (2) Gender – There are three  Male (he, his)  Female (she, her)  Neutral – when it is not clear he and/or she his and/or her Ex: The student lost ______ book.

4 Agreement Subjects and verbs must agree in three ways (2) Number – There are only two – Singular (1) – Plural (more than one)  Use an –s or -es on verbs when the subject is in the 3 rd person  MAKE A Chart for Present Tense Verbs (Smart)

5 Verb in the _____________ tense: _____________________ PersonSingular…verbPlural… verb

6 Irregular Verbs than are not changed the standard way of adding an –ed or -d Verbs that are changed internally Present Past dig dug pay paid See chart on pg 425 and 426 – two columns Write the ones that you do not (did not) know

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