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“…I also send you” John 20.21. Jesus is releasing us to fulfill the call upon our life as a Christian and as a church. Jesus appears to His disciples.

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Presentation on theme: "“…I also send you” John 20.21. Jesus is releasing us to fulfill the call upon our life as a Christian and as a church. Jesus appears to His disciples."— Presentation transcript:

1 “…I also send you” John 20.21

2 Jesus is releasing us to fulfill the call upon our life as a Christian and as a church. Jesus appears to His disciples really to say, “I have done my part, now it’s your turn to do your part” (v 23) Jesus said, “If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven them; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained”

3 This lays down the duty of the church to proclaim forgiveness to the penitent believer, and to warn the unbeliever that they are in danger of forfeiting the mercy of God. The Great Commission is not just a church initiative; it is the Kingdom initiative.

4 Jesus spoke about the kingdom of God throughout the entire New Testament. The church age will be over one day, but the kingdom age brings us back together. Jesus is sending you to……

5 1.Connect (Mark 16.15) We must establish some kind of grounds with our culture We must bring that connection into the cultivation of who we are

6 2. Convert (Luke 24.46-48) Jesus taught us about preaching repentance and remission of sins When Jesus converts a person, it is really a transformation 2 Corinthians 5.17

7 3. Commit (1 John 3.16) When you invest in other people, God begins to open doors of opportunity for you

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