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A Survey Through The Heidelberg Catechism LORD’S DAY #32.

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Presentation on theme: "A Survey Through The Heidelberg Catechism LORD’S DAY #32."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Survey Through The Heidelberg Catechism LORD’S DAY #32

2 Adam was able not to sin Adam  to serve God to rebel life death

3 The fall means Adam is now not able not to sin.  to sin die (no longer a "free will" but an expensive "won't"!)

4 But Christians renewed by the Holy Spirit and are still able to sin but also are able to be restored! serve God  to sin forgiveness conviction in Christby Holy Spirit repentance

5 The resurrection means Adam is now not able to sin.  to live to worship/ forever glorify God (man is still not "free" for he is incapable of sin.)

6 New Covenant Presbyterian Church Preaching God’s Sovereign Grace to a World of Need 128 St. Mary’s Church Rd. Abingdon, MD 21009 410-569-0289

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