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Working with Certified Couples Consultant Training.

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1 Working with Certified Couples Consultant Training

2 Introduction “Whaddya mean I can’t just tell’em what to do?”“Whaddya mean I can’t just tell’em what to do?” New couples need direct feedback, clear recommendations and encouragement.New couples need direct feedback, clear recommendations and encouragement. “What you are going to want to do is…”“What you are going to want to do is…” We want to move couples to professional independenceWe want to move couples to professional independence Maintain professional independenceMaintain professional independence

3 New Couples Explain what their home should look like Strongly recommend rules and expectations i.e. “You’re going to want to…” First month of service delivery should have in- home each week and OPR at end of month with consultation each week Be on the phone while they do non-responsive and intensive teaching with youth

4 New Couples Need time in consultation and on the phone to discuss youth and program Highly directive feedback “Step by step answers” Stay on phone or call back repeatedly until situation is resolved They are learning the Teaching-family Model and correct implementation

5 Post Major and Certified Couples Less directive feedback “I think …, what do you think?” You make a suggestion and then discuss it with the couple Regular service delivery with additional services as necessary, ask couple Move couple towards professional independence

6 Post Major and Certified Couples Begin to suggest concepts and allow couples to fill in blanks “I think we need to make sure he is deprived, how can that be done?” Ask for feedback on write-ups and in-home observations and generally Ask “What are you thinking?”

7 Multiple Certifications Provide an outside perspective “Can’t see the forest for the trees” Be aware of drift and couples wanting to “punish” their youth Burnout Exceptions to rules After explanation of problem, “So what is your plan or what are you thinking?”

8 Multiple Certifications Ask for feedback, “So what do you need?” Be available for discussion, concerns When they are ready to have a youth moved, you are less directive than with a new couple Staff cases and situations keeping in mind the experience the couple has in working with youth

9 Multiple Certifications One way to look at it is that you are staffing a case with another professional Continue to praise and give feedback in the form of “criticism by suggestion” Serious issues still require direct feedback and possibly written feedback Encourage professional development in doing training and evaluations

10 Conclusion We need to move couples toward independence Couples with multiple certifications should treated as professionals understanding that one role of consultants is to provide a different perspective

11 Working with Certified Couples Consultant Training This training presentation is available for download at: © 2007 Utah Youth Village.

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