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Presentation on theme: "Classroom Design ARIANA LEMUS OCTOBER 6, 2014 FIRST GRADE."— Presentation transcript:


2 Security & Shelter In the picture on the left, you can see that all math manipulatives are placed in their own proper container. There are no little pieces on the ground that could cause a child to slip and fall. On the right, you see the fire door. This door provides security to the entire class, because it allows easy access in case of an emergency.

3 Pleasure In this picture, we can see the cozy feeling that the shelves of books in the reading center give to this area. The palm tree is lit up during library time, and many children love this area because they can stretch their legs and spread across the carpet to read.

4 Social Contact As you can see in these picture, the students desks are in groups allowing social interaction with one another. The teachers desk, in the left hand picture, over sees the entire classroom and allows her to interact with students as well.

5 Task Instrumentality KIRBY, S. (2012, JANUARY 31). STUDENT-LEAD CONFERENCES (AND WE HAVE A WINNER!!!). RETRIEVED OCTOBER 6, 2014. In this picture that I found online, you can see that when the students come back to the class they will know what needs to be worked on. There is a list of to-do items on the Promethean Board and binders that give access to all necessary elements to complete tasks.

6 Symbolic Identification NAYLOR. (N.D.). BULLETIN BOARDS. RETRIEVED OCTOBER 6, 2014. In this photo, the students work is posted on a bulletin board outside of the classroom. The work is labeled with their names, and is made accessible for all who pass by to enjoy. Symbolic Identification gives students the feeling that this is there classroom and that helps maintain a clean and safe working environment.

7 Growth In both pictures you can see that there are ways that allow students to grow. In the top picture there are computers. These computers provide access to online tools and games that reinforce student learning. Below, is a picture of a chart that lists specific persons duties for that week. This provides growth in the areas of responsibility and well rounded individual to the class and society.

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