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Implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity and GEF Portfolio in Liberia By: Ben Turtur Donnie CBD NATIONAL FOCAL POINT, LIBERIA CBD NATIONAL.

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Presentation on theme: "Implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity and GEF Portfolio in Liberia By: Ben Turtur Donnie CBD NATIONAL FOCAL POINT, LIBERIA CBD NATIONAL."— Presentation transcript:

1 Implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity and GEF Portfolio in Liberia By: Ben Turtur Donnie CBD NATIONAL FOCAL POINT, LIBERIA CBD NATIONAL FOCAL POINT, LIBERIA

2 GEF National Dialogue Initiative Cape Hotel, Mamba Point Monrovia, Liberia 20 November 2008

3 Liberia ratified the UN Convention on Biological Diversity on 11 November 2000. The country immediately applied fro funds to the GEF to prepare its National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP). GEF approved US$256,000.00, and Liberia provided US$25,000.00 in-kind co-financing.

4 GEF funds were disbursed through UNDP as the implementing agency. The enabling activity was implemented for about two years, September 2002-July 2004, when the NBSAP was launched. Three thematic reports (technology transfer, mountain biodiversity and protected area biodiversity were prepared under the project

5 Structure of NBSAP Administration: 1- Steering Committee, chaired by the Ministry of Planning and Economic Affairs 2- Management Team comprising: a lead national consultant (project coordinator), Admin. and Finance Officer, a driver 3- Planning team and ad-hoc resource persons 4- Short-term local consultants

6 NBSAP identified the following threats to biodiversity in Liberia: 1- Insufficient public education and awareness 2- Inappropriate use of agrochemicals 3- Shifting cultivation 4- Beach Erosion 5-Human settlements and population pressure

7 6- Timber exploitation and rubber plantations 7- political instability and wars 8- Lack of land-use planning 9- invasive alien species 10- inadequate mining exploitation schemes 11- Inadequate law enforcement for resource exploitation 12- Insufficient trained human resources in biodiversity management

8 13- Inadequate taxonomic knowledge of plants and animals of Liberia 14- Poaching and hunting bushmeat 15- Ignorance of the greater public 16- Poverty 17- Little or no involvement of local communities, youth and elderly

9 Some actions recommended by the NBSAP 1- Strengthening Liberian Coast Guard to deter marine poaching 2- constructing storage facilities for conservation of local crop genetic materials 3- providing local crop genetic materials for use by local communities 4- rehabilitating wetlands and mangroves 5- Implementing Remediation of mine pits for biodiversity as post harvest strategy and remediaton of abandoned mines

10 6- Supporting the timber certification scheme based on proven record of sustainable forest management 7- Supporting creation of Lake Piso, Cestos-Sankwehn, Wologizi, Wenegizi, and Lofa-Mano as protected areas 8- Building human resource capacities in environmental impact assessment in biodiversity related disciplines 9- Developing regulations for logging and plantation development on enclaves on higher elevations and waterways 10-Designing appropriate artisinal fishing gears 11-Developing action plans for bird species of global conservation concern 12-Establishing monitoring systems for the introduction of alien species 13-Supporting prevention of coast erosion by putting in place breakwaters and planting of coconut trees along the coast line

11 14- Supporting training in risk assessment and management for biotechnology 15- Encouraging research in all season crop production 16- Gathering baseline information on the taxonomy of plants and animals in proposed protected areas 17- Gathering socio-economic data of proposed protected areas 18- Supporting establishment of plastic recycling plants

12 In 2007 Liberia prepared and submitted its third national report to the CBD and now preparing its fourth national report. Each report costs US$20,000.00, and funds provided by the GEF. Liberia prepared its biosafety framework, 2002-2004, with GEF funding of US$150,000.00 National Capacity Self-Assessment, US$190,000.00 National Adaptation Programme of Action, US$200,000.00 National Implementation Plan for Persistent Organic Pollutants, US$257,000.00 Present activities/projects 1- Programme of Work on Protected Areas (PoWPA), US$124,166.00 2. Sustainable Land Management –US$1,000,000.00 3- Consolidation of Protected Areas Network (COPAN), US$806,000.00 4. First National Communication for Climate Change, US$405,000.00

13 Approved activity, awaiting implementation: Capacity Building in Biodiversity and a Clearing House Mechanism, US$194,000.00

14 Endorsed by the GEF National Coordinating Committee, and Pending GEF Approval: 1- Addendum to COPAN, US$500,000.00 2. Hydro-electric genration- US$2,000,000.00 2- Implementation of Biosafety Framework, US$500,000.00


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