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A UK retail perspective

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1 A UK retail perspective
Green seafood A UK retail perspective Mike Mitchell Technical & CSR Director Young’s Seafood Limited

2 We believe the scientists (part 1)
“I believe, then, that the cod fishery, the herring fishery, the pilchard fishery, the mackerel fishery, and probably all the great sea fisheries, are inexhaustible; that is to say, that nothing we do seriously affects the number of the fish. And any attempt to regulate these fisheries seems consequently, from the nature of the case, to be useless.” Sir Thomas Huxley (1883)* *Address to the Inaugural Fisheries Exhibition

3 A Brief History Of Commercial Fishing
We have constantly increased our capability and capacity to catch fish In the late 19th century, commercial fishing was largely carried out by sailing ketches, fishing with baited longlines But since the dawn of commercial fishing, we have constantly increased our capability and capacity to catch fish – by the early 20th century, steam powered trawlers prevailed It took just over a century to move from sail power, to steam and then to modern diesel powered super trawlers - the seas have never been more vulnerable In a 100 years we have moved from sail to steam to modern diesel powered super trawlers Late 19th century, sailing ketches, fishing with baited longlines Early 20th century, steam powered trawlers prevailed - The seas have never been more vulnerable -

4 We believe the scientists (part 2)
Mid 2000’s, some scientists & eNGO’s predict the commercial extinction of fish stocks BY 2050 GLOBAL FISH STOCKS EXTINCT "Biodiversity is a finite resource, and we are going to end up with nothing left ...if nothing changes," Boris Worm (2006)* *’Impacts of Biodiversity Loss on Ocean Ecosystem Services’ Worm et al 2006

5 Seafood is under the sustainability microscope
Seafood is at the Forefront of Sustainability Seafood is under the sustainability microscope In 2005 eNGO’s Started Campaigns Overfishing Impacts Of Fishing Fish Farming Sustainability is a concept which is brought into sharp focus when your business is dependent upon natural and renewable resources Seafood is the last of the great food resources that mankind hunts from the wild The UK seafood sector first came under intense eNGO and media scrutiny in 2005 Overfishing and other environmental and eco-system impacts of fishing and fish farming have become a major campaigning topic for eNGO’s Our sector remains at the forefront of the sustainability debate If your business depends on natural resources, sustainability is brought into sharp focus!

6 Greenpeace – giving the industry a poke with a sharp stick

7 Seafood sustainability has become a celebrity issue

8 Media appetite for sensational headlines

9 Our approach to the green marine agenda
Ten Principles for Responsible Fish Procurement Launched in 2006 Young’s Seafood has led this agenda by our own example & with the help of external agencies such as Seafish, we were able to create a pro-active industry seafood sustainability agenda which persists to this day We have strived to lead by example and with the support of our partners we have helped to create a pro-active industry agenda which continues to this day

10 UK retailers have outsourced marine policy advice
RAG rating Buying metrics RAG rating RAG rating

11 A new UK retailer and brand policy alliance
Labelling Code Sourcing Code

12 SSC Sourcing Code “Develop an engagement plan based on the risk assessment. This may be a collaborative plan with other members / stakeholders.”

13 Ethical sourcing Recent publicity over trafficked and bonded labour in the seafood sector has given focus to this as a worldwide issue ‘At sea’ operations are perceived to be amongst the highest global risk for Modern Day Slavery The absence of credible third party certification of labour standards at sea adds to the perceived risk The Seafish Responsible Fishing Scheme (RFS) seeks to address this in UK fisheries and beyond ISO17065 compliant and incorporating the labour standard requirements of ILO 188

14 Summary - responsible seafood sourcing in the UK
A highly engaged and highly influential eNGO sector Over a decade of policy development driving a pro-active green marine agenda amongst the major retailers and seafood brands Broad alliance on seafood sourcing policies and self-declared environmental claims (Sustainable Seafood Coalition) Certified sustainability (e.g. MSC/ASC) underpinned by increasingly collaborative FIPs (e.g. North Sea cod) Post horsegate focus on product integrity A developing emphasis on ethical sourcing (social justice issues)

15 We believe the scientists (part 3)
“Apocalyptic assertions that fisheries management is failing are counter-productive — not only because these assertions are untrue, but because they fail to recognize the long, hard work of fishery managers, scientists and stakeholders in the many places where management is working. While the gloom-and-doom advocates have been attracting public attention and press coverage, thousands of people … have worked through years of meetings and painful catch and effort reductions to lower fishing pressure and successfully rebuild fisheries.” Ray Hilborn (2010)* *’Apocalypse Forestalled: Why All the World’s Fisheries Aren’t Collapsing’ Ray Hilborn 2010

16 Working together works!

17 Thank you for listening
Mike Mitchell Technical & CSR Director Young’s Seafood Ltd.

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