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Possibility of detecting CHRISTODOULOU MEMORY of GRAVITATIONAL WAVES by using LISA (Laser Interferometer Space Antenna) Thus, the final form of the memory.

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Presentation on theme: "Possibility of detecting CHRISTODOULOU MEMORY of GRAVITATIONAL WAVES by using LISA (Laser Interferometer Space Antenna) Thus, the final form of the memory."— Presentation transcript:

1 Possibility of detecting CHRISTODOULOU MEMORY of GRAVITATIONAL WAVES by using LISA (Laser Interferometer Space Antenna) Thus, the final form of the memory is One advantage that LISA will have over ground- based observatories like LIGO is no low- frequency seismic noise disturbances. LISA’s frequency band and long arm length will allow it to achieve much greater signal-to-noise ratio than LIGO. Using A FORTRAN 77 programming simulation, our code will be used to compare against an earlier code written by Olga Petrova and analytic work by Gary Stange. Acknowledgement I would like to show my gratitude to Dr. Dan Kennefick and Arkansas Center for Space and Planetary Sciences for allowing me the opportunity to work on this project. Special thanks to NASA and REU for funding. Photos and information from: LISA -- Probing the Universe with Gravitational Waves, Version 1.0, January 19, 2007 and LISA’s quest includes: 1. observation of binary systems of black holes, neutron stars, and white dwarves in our Milky Way galaxy. 2. observation of binary systems involving super- massive black holes (SMBH) in distant galaxies 3. the search for gravitational wave emission from the Big Bang period. 4. testing Einstein's relativity theories. COMPUTER MODELLING The time taken for a binary system to coalesce from an orbital radius “a” to a common center is where  is the reduced mass of the binary system, and M is its total mass. The mathematical form of the Christodoulou Memory is then given by where r is the effective distance between Earth and the binary system, and is the angle of orientation of the system as seen by the observer. In the calculation, M is considered to be 10 6 solar mass and  to be 1 solar mass. is given a value of 90 degrees. Key Features of LISA First dedicated space-based gravitational wave observatory consisting of three spacecrafts 5 million km apart from each other Will use advanced laser interferometry to directly measure gravitational waves Can detect variations in its own spatial dimensions of 5 X 10 -14 m, only 5 times the diameter of a nucleus!! Able to detect very low-frequency band waves; from 0.1 mHZ to 100 mHz PHYSICS in action Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity predicts that masses in motion generate waves that travel through space-time at the speed of light The flux of such waves from a system itself generates a change in the gravitational field which propagates like a wave This “wave of a gravitational wave” is referred to as the Christodoulou Memory. We will investigate whether LISA will be able to detect this interesting second-order wave. The signal shown here is the sum of the gravitational waveform and simulated LISA noise disturbances. The waveform stands up well above the noise indicating a high signal- to-noise ratio. This graph of h(t) against t uses FORTRAN 77 to show what may happen at the final stage of coalescence of the binary system. The model is yet to be fully completed.

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