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Judaism and Christianity Judaism and Christianity have similar core beliefs and a common historical beginning but have developed into very different.

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2 Judaism and Christianity

3 Judaism and Christianity have similar core beliefs and a common historical beginning but have developed into very different modern religions. Two ideas common to both are: The old testament of the BibleThe old testament of the Bible MonotheismMonotheism

4 The major differences between the two religions focuses on the belief in Jesus Christ. Christians:Jews: Believe Jesus was the son of God.Believe Jesus was the son of God. Follow Christ’s teachings in the New Testament.Follow Christ’s teachings in the New Testament. Believe Jesus was a teacher and prophet only.Believe Jesus was a teacher and prophet only. Follow the teachings of the Torah.Follow the teachings of the Torah.

5 Christianity Grew to become the dominant religion of Europe. Protestant Reformation in the 15 th century split Christianity into many different forms. Today, Christianity is comprised of over 2000 denominations worldwide.

6 Judaism Lost its traditional homeland to the spread of Islam following the 5 th century. Existed in Jewish communities throughout Europe and later in America. Regained a homeland with the creation of Israel by the United Nations in 1948.

7 The Holy Lands This area of the Middle East is known as the ‘holy lands’ because 3 major world religions began in this area. Christianity, Judaism and Islam all started in this small region. Supporters of these religions have fought over this land for 1500 years and continue to do so today.

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